Discussion: Comey: It's 'Not Normal' For Trump To Call For Me To Be In Jail

We have only suffered from lack of imagination.
In our wildest fever dream we NEVER could have imagined a Presidency as such
It would have been rejected as a Twilight Zone Script
Too unbelievable


What was Comey thinking as Hair Furor toured the nation behind his greatest hits “Lock Her Up” and “Build the Wall”?

I mean, his sentiments now are welcome as the media needs a mint.

But the fact that it is in response to calls to lock HIM up smacks of self-interest.


He absolutely did through his poor decision making process.


What is ‘not normal’ is to have a *President who tweets insults at every turn.


Comey complaining about Trump reminds me of a scene from the movie Alien where Comey is Ash and the rest of us are Ripley:

Ash: Well, it’s an interesting combination of elements making him a… tough little son-of-a-bitch.
Ripley: And you let him in.


While I share your fear, I do also have hope. By casting Democrats as evil and compromise with Democrats as giving in to evil, I believe this branch of the Republican party has made it so that no compromise with the rest of us is possible. In short, I hope they’ve set themselves up to only fall for swindlers like Trump that the “hold nose and vote for” folks won’t fall for again.

So yeah, I share your fear but I’m holding on to hope as well.


Justice Department policy explicitly prohibits employees from interfering with elections including avoiding the appearance of interfering with elections.

Comey knew this.

The flaws is our political system and yes, in our constitution itself, are not going away. They were part of the process that gave us Trump. The country remains geographically and demographically divided and the concentration of power in red underpopulated rural states will actually increase in the coming years as more of our population is concentrated in large cites in only 15 states. I’m not sure we’ve even see the worst yet. This is not a tenable situation and I remain unconvinced that another authoritarian demagogue will not sit in the Oval Office.


No. It’s not. But thanks for your part in helping him get elected. #sorrynotsorry

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And also the message being sent by Comey/Ash: All other interests are secondary. Crew is expendable. :-/

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Comey: another republican who thought they could ride the beast.


This is not normal. This is not OK,” Comey said in an interview with NPR.

Hopefully others will also remember and take up the “Trump is not normal” meme. Comey’s talk of Hilary’s emails, now this book and this statement reveals his self interest and desire to showboat. But if it starts a larger “not normal” chant, I’m fine with that.


This is not some tin pot dictatorship where the leader of the country gets to say ‘the people I don’t like go to jail,’” Comey told NPR.

Starting January 20th, 2017 that's what we became.

Sure it is, Jimmy, when you’re living in a tyranny abetted by a boatload of beta cuck males…who form your own party.

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Insults and threats.

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You have way more faith in the right wing cowards in this country than I do. These scumbags will continue to plumb the bottom of the barrel because they ARE the bottom of the barrel themselves.

Republicans are the problem here period. They are irredeemable liars, traitors, cowards and thieves. And they won’t stop either.

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“In other words, he was making decisions based on the fact that he thought she was going to win, and he wanted a job. Slimeball!”

If Comey expected Clinton to win and wanted to keep his job, he would not have acted as he did just before the election.

November November November.


Americans have become too lax, too trusting in the strength of our system to consider something like trump could happen. Even Congressional leaders tried to nervously reassure us that they would keep a lid on the insanity, but they’ve now backed away in fear.

We are witnessing an historical challenge to our Constitution and our way of life. Thrilling, but scary, too.


It’s normal for Trump. Didn’t Comey watch anything about the campaign?

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I have no proof, but I expect his book is an elaborate excuse for his execrable decision to bring up the ridiculous email issue 3 days before the election. He knows by now what an ethical and legal breach it was, and he hastened to get his explanation out there first.

He was absolutely wrong in his actions, whatever the justification he cooked up afterwards. He’s not anybody’s hero. I’ll read what he has to say, but with a very skeptical eye.