He committed the single most unambiguously villainous act in more than 50 years of recent U.S. history—but it was through no fault but his own, so cut him some slack !
Actually, he and Barr have something in common which may be motivating their mistakes, though in different ways. Comey was afraid of right wing opinion. Barr, on the other hand, is a disciple, as he showed in his confirmation hearings. So, Comey is insufferable, while Barr, somewhat to my surprise, is an insufferable idiot.
“Give him a chance to show us what he feels like he can’t show us,” Comey said.
Even setting aside Comey’s background, this makes no sense. Congressional leaders have the security clearances they need to see the full, unredacted report, so Barr has no reason to withhold it from them. In fact, I wonder if anyone involved in writing the report, including Mueller, has the security clearances that Pelosi, McConnell, Burr and Schiff do.
For me, Barr blew any chance at benefit of the doubt when he wrote a 19 page job application to Trump’s legal team informing them exactly how he would protect Trump if made AG. He frankly should have recused himself from anything to do with the Mueller report and should be facing ethics charges before the relevant board of bar overseers.
Slight correction-- Congresscritters don’t get security clearances (neither does the President). Their clearance process is being elected.
ETA: Wish more people realized that when they were voting…
When Jr. received an e-mail from the russkie dude which specifically said that it was on behalf of the fucking russkie government, and he accepted and set up the Trump Tower meeting…
Yeah, there’s no benefit of the fucking doubt. We have to know why that isn’t fucking “cooperation” even under their tight definition.
It is breathtaking that so few people adequately describe what Barr did, as you have.
What you say is absolutely correct.
ETA Stand corrected,…what Comey did. according to @centralasiaexpat…OK…Barr and Comey seem to be vying for the Booby Prize. I actually look at Barr and Comey, respectively, as thug and boy scout proving that ineptitude and bad judgement can equal or surpass straight thuggery
Centralasia was talking about what Comey did…
Barr’s reputation comes from the last days of the George HW Bush administration when he was appointed AG after Bush lost the election so that he could provide cover to Bush for pardoning everyone involved in Iran Contra. That is Barr’s only institutional action that has ever mattered was allowing the senior Bush to kill the last investigation into treason by an administration.
That said, the only way Barr could lose his reputation is if he actually did something honest.
Oh, I meant Comey)) What Comey did is unusually clean, morally and ethically. There’s just no doubt, no gray area— which is apposite, since Comey himself is the same.
On target
I might give him the benefit of the doubt if I had any doubt about his likely actions in regard to the report. I don’t.
You thinking you know what’s best got us into this mess why people are still wasting time listening to you is beyond me
And this is why I didn’t mind Comey getting fired. He has never fully owned up to his part of helping get Trump elected.
Dear Mr. Comey,
If AG Barr had any integrity, he would have already petitioned the Grand Jury judge for permission to disclose Grand Jury information found in the Mueller report.
Barr hasn’t.
And you, Mr. Comey, are an ass.
OT, maybe, but does anyone know if his book did well? I can’t imagine anyone who wasn’t mentioned in it wanting to line his pockets by reading it.
Whose book?
So does this mean that Comey is back to being a villain with the #FakeResistance? It’s a good thing he waited until all of those Liberals bought his book and then cheered him on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert first…
Did you do the photoshop work, @schmed? I knew it must be from an original about tonsillectomy (the style is very familiar to me because I was a kid in the '40s and '50s and all our book covers were like this, plus I had my tonsils out in 1950) so I googled and found the original Little Golden Book. Whoever transformed the little girl into a basset hound did a masterful job here. Kudos. And, even if you didn’t do the artwork, the title itself fits Comey to a T.
That right there.
Nope, just wandering through Google.