Discussion: Columnist Doesn't Back Down: People Continue To Think Of Obama As The N-Word

Discussion for article #224790

Dude: We get it. You meant it ironically. But it was still a bad idea. Apologize and cut your losses already.


“I wanted to make that point there’s a substantial amount of racism still existing in the United States”

Oh, gee thanks for the public service. Would have missed it otherwise.


A case where one’s points on race are so reactionary and insidious, they are ignorant of everything else. The end justifies the means, which is why the editorial staff should have acted to impose civility/sanity in the discussion.

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You really think this was a point that needed to be made and you are the one that needed to make it? Your circulation is targeted to visitors from other planets?
It was absolutely unnecessary and repulsive but well timed to catapult yourself to national attention…as someone tasteless enough to put it in print. Congratulations


A lot of folks are missing the fact that a substantial amount of racism still exists and that’s part of the point he was making. Sure, you don’t, and you’re not the audience he was speaking to because you’re one of the ones who gets it. Sadly, there are many, many more who don’t.

I very much appreciate Mr. Collier using “nigger” instead of some other more PC term. Too many people in this country are operating under the assumption that if someone isn’t holding a rope with a Black person swinging from it then they’re not really racist. The standard for which is now considered real racism in America is so high now that someone has to be screaming “nigger” before many are even willing to acknowledge that it’s racism. As an African American, it’s extraordinarily crazy-making and frustrating. So, I absolutely applaud Mr. Collier’s decision to be as abrasive and jarring as possible. It’s the only way some will ever get the message.




Double wrong.


Great article, and great headline. Let’s stop pretending that the conservative movement is anything other than a white supramacist movement. Kudos to the editor for not giving conservatives the plausible deniability of their racist motivations.


Spot on, Plucky, as usual.


The TPM headline should be, 'Obtuse Jackass Defends N-Word…"
(CNN, always ready at the bottom with a shovel)


It was a good article that made many of the same points commenters here have made over and over. The N word got it traction. I’m good with the usage in this context. Truth hurts.


Yeah, way wrong. You think someone with a picture of Dr. Strangelove would know the difference between irony (this isn’t it) and emphasis (this is it).

In other news: A republican looked into a mirror and saw how ugly he was, so he blamed the mirror.

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Personally speaking (and I may be part of the minority), I hate that word and the use of it. I also hated to see it written out on a newpaper headline. I think there were better ways he could have made the point he did, but of course that would not have been sensational or attention-worthy by today’s metric.

Having said that, I think he was the PERFECT person to make the point. See, when minorities call out racism or point to instances where people are against Pres. Obama due to his race, there seems to be a rolling of the eyes, gnashing of teeth and people saying “there they go complaining again!!!”. So it’s important when someone of another race sees something and at least aknowledges it. It’s kinda like when straight people speak out for the rights of gays; people tend to stand up and notice it more because there’s a sense that there’s nothing in it for them to be doing so - that they are being more objective, if that makes sense.


While I respect your position I have to disagree. Why go to the same length as the “voices” in Birth of A Nation to prove a point/counterpoint? Even those in total denial about racism, including reactionary liberals, are not going to be affected by this shock jock mentality. :smiley:

Republican denial of racist behavior sends its regards, M_expat.



Columnist Defends N-Word Headline:

#People Racists Think Of Obama That Way

That fixed it.


i thought bush had left the white house


Heh. I see what ya did there :wink: