Discussion: Colorado Governor Disowns High-Capacity Magazine Ban He Signed (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #224124

Get your foot out of your mouth and stop backpedalling.

BTW, why should the Governor ask the opinion of Sheriffs on what laws to sign?

It’s the Legislatures’ job to write laws, not Sheriffs.


why do i call Democrats DEMOWIMPS good example is Hickenlooper
why does he back pedal? answer

As a GOPer member of Congress explained some years ago, bipartisanship consists of the Democrats doing what the GOP tells them to do.

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Does Google Translate work on gibberish?


Thank you! And since when are the lack of arrests being made regarding a certain law proof positive that the statute is worthless? Do they really need to wait until there’s an emergency that calls for the law to be passed? Idiots!

Hickenlooper began his extended reply by saying that he “wouldn’t argue that.”

Goddamit, he SHOULD HAVE argued it vehemently. Don’t you think that LEO’s would be put in a tougher position if the population at large has high cap magazines?? Does the Colorado law enforcement community really want their members literally put at siege if this were to happen? Christ on a pogo stick, if I can make the argument Hick should have been able to as well. Yes, I know - he’s up for re-election and he has to prove his right-wing bonofides.


John, a lot of these Junior Bubbas will hate you no matter WHAT you do. You migjt as well tell 'em you’d sign it again. Screw it.


Asshole, too chicken shit to take on morality of being able to assassinate elk herds en mass.


"if he and his staff had known ahead of time how much ‘commotion’ a ban on high-capacity magazines would cause, ‘we probably would have thought about it twice’. "

Gutless. Probably wonders why people hate politicians.


What is the rationale for high capacity magazines if not to make massacres easier? I really, really want to know what they are good for?


To: Governor Hickenlooper
From: NRA
Subject: Thanks buddy! Enclosed please find your NRA lifetime membership card and commemorative belt buckle.

I’m confused. Since when is law enforcement in favor of high-capacity magazines for the public? Will this same group of idiots soon be coming out for armor piercing rounds? How about exploding rounds?

I thought part of the reasoning for the ban was to prevent law enforcement from being “out-gunned” in certain situations?


Why does he have to “prove is right-wing bono fides”? The state is trending blue.

This guy is all too typical of the Democratic Party…just a useless coward.

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What a surprise! Another sad little pandering politician.

I hate to agree with you but I do.

Try to please everyone and you end up pleasing no one. This is politics 101.

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[quote] “On the magazine ban, you know there has not been one arrest in the entire state, on that statute,” … [/quote] So laws that aren’t used expire? WTF, O??

What, exactly, does this statement mean?

How many “hate crime by hanging” arrests did y’alls have?

This is far worse than just refusing to enact the legislation in the first place. This delayed turnaround gives the impression that, upon deep reflection and consideration, the safety measure is without merit, despite all evidence to the contrary (such as the Seattle shooter’s being tackled and subdued when he paused to reload). Hickenlooper has officially declared himself spineless, gutless and without a wisp of integrity.


The key word you used is “trending.” There are still pockets of deep red that he probably wants/needs to win over for reelction.

Remember when 2 CO Dems were turned out of office in a recall last year, I believe, who supported gun safety? Just because people say they’re in favor of gun safety measures doesn’t necessarily translate to “And i’ll vote for it at the ballot box.”

For defending yourself if you are attacked by gun-weilding assailants.