Discussion: Colorado Finds in Favor of Bakery That Wouldn't Decorate Anti-Gay Cake

Cousin to Billy Jack, ex-Green Beret who did macho things in the name of justice.and freedumb.


Indeed. True enough. I should have included that caveat.


Well we gotta ā€œrestoreā€ the sumā€™bitch first.


This whole spasm of ā€œbiblical marriageā€ crap is one of the many instances in which people who canā€™t deal with societal change look to religion to argue against it. In about two seconds just now I found there were religious people who used the Bible to argue that the flappers in the Twenties shouldnā€™t have been bobbing their damn hair because God is an anti-bobber. This makes about as much sense as that.


Thatā€™s why I can never understand why the religious right wants teachers, those union-loving liberals, to teach religion in the classroom. I suspect the truth is that they really donā€™t want teachers teaching their kids religion, they just want to complain about it and mark it down as yet another slight against the cult of the perpetually aggrieved.

Itā€™s all a game. They manipulate Bible passages in order to justify condemning or outlawing anything they find even remotely objectionable, that causes the slightest bit of discomfort. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with forcing their will on others.


Anything to elevate those horrible store bought gefilte fishā€¦now home madeā€¦you canā€™t beat 'em.

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You need to read about Ruth and Naomi (Ruth)ā€¦and about David and Jonathon (1Samuel).

Um, except, ya knowā€¦ decorating a wedding cake celebrating a marriage is not a ā€œmessage of hateā€.

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God doesnā€™t hate anyone, thatā€™s a trait of man. If God did hate us who sin, He wouldnā€™t have given his only Son as sacrificial lamb in our place.

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Hewing closely to the Book of Leviticus also includes not eating pork or shellfish. It also means not letting the wimmenfolk handle the food and cooking kit while Aunt Flo pays her monthly visit. It means no tattoos. It means not shaving off your beard. It also means conducting the socialistic Jubilee every 50 years as stated in Leviticus 25.
What is fascinating is that the Bible contains no prohibition whatsoever about lesbians. The two verses on homosexuality are very specific and explicit: ā€œIf a man lieth with mankind as with a woman they shall have committed abomination.ā€ I canā€™t find the verse that mentions ā€œif a woman lieth womankindā€¦ā€


There isnā€™t any gay sex in either case.


It was only a matter of time before some hateful knuckle-dragging conservative tried this cheap stunt. Itā€™s been a stupid hypothetical floated around as of late, and it looks more ridiculous in real life than when right-wing trolls smugly post the scenario. Major kudos to Marjorie Silva for handling the situation with far more class than Bill there could ever even comprehend.


Hereā€™s a photo of Bill Jack!


Looks like heā€™s using two pieces of Chiclets gum for his upper front teeth!


What the face of a truly complete asshole looks like.

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Iā€™m okay with this but if CO obligated her ā€“ if she chose to run a for profit bakery ā€“ to write the message, it probably wouldnā€™t be an unfair action against her rights either. Iā€™m unsure about writing in stone some ā€œlineā€ between being offended about a message and being offended about a religion. In certain cases, that is a bit fine of a line. The matter should be taken as a whole ā€“ here she served the person, but didnā€™t do a specific thing. I guess the state now might have to let bakers refuse to write ā€œGay marriages are greatā€ on cakes as long as they bake the cake and serve the cake to the couple.

That certainly scores points. :smile:
Iā€™m gonna be using that image elsewhere.

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Colorado resident Bill Jack filed a discrimination complaint


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Make sure you turn off auto-correct



Ummmm, how do I do that?

Apparently, God made an exception for the Amelekites:

This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
1 Samuel 15:2-3

If thatā€™s not hatred, you gotta admit thatā€™s some pretty tough love.