GD, woman – grow a spine!
Do not let the Republicans in the Congress blame Trump for this. Destroying Medicaid has been a goal of the party since the Great Society.
“I truly don’t believe he’s sexist,” she said of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), but she added, “It certainly was not a good move.”
Just admit you’re a second class citizen who doesn’t deserve a voice
Look at This! This is what is setting policy
Say it; SAAAAAY IT! 'I’m concerned".
This “not the the best approach” razz-ma-tazz is as bloody spinal as she waxes I think!
It’s time for Mitch McConnell to be administered a big, big dose of humiliation. He has a “pre-existing condition” of being a dickhead.
The Republican approach to governing is targeted vandalism.
To @nowarino’s point, Trump is the apotheosis of Republicanism.
Shorter Collins: It may not be wise but I will vote for Trumpcare to end the tyranny. I am an experienced caver.
She said McConnell missed out on different expertise and perspectives that could have improved the bill.
A prudent person, with any sense of proportion and realist outlook would soundly conclude that 'Ole Mitch didn’t want expertise and different perspectives.
How true. No one, absolutely no one, should be counting on Collins to stand firm as a “no” vote when this does come to the floor.
Heller will get a pass. Perhaps Murkowski will get the 2nd Golden Ticket. But Mitchie won’t bring the bill to the floor until he’s certain that all other GOPers have lined up as “yes” votes and Collins will be one of 'em.
It was George H.W. Bush’s prudence that paved the way for Bill Clinton. So Ametica can expect nothing but pitch forks from this GOTP krewe from now on.
Looks like a J. Crew color chart. White, Ecru, Sand, Wheat, Biscuit, Flax…
If Mitch has his way he would of crafted a bill that took healthcare back to then end of the 19th century when my great-grand parents practiced medicine, and my grandfather drove his mother in the horse and carriage to make house calls. But only for the poors, people of color, and especially women.
What’s the point of speaking on this if you’re going to sound weak, Senator?
The Senate commissary keeps a weekly point total for public displays of prevarication. Winners get a free Coney dog and Slurpee at lunch on Friday.
Next thing Collins is gonna say: “I truly don’t believe he’s racist…he just couldn’t back down after his secret meeting the night of Obama’s inauguration where they donned their hoods and swore a solemn oath to make Obama a one term president…he was trapped.…”
Bozos all.
Say it; SAAAAAY IT! I can’t show up for the usual 4th of July parades now!