Powell says the FBI may have obtained a copy of his memo to Clinton during its recently closed investigation into the Democratic presidential nominee’s use of a private email server.
But Hillary herself never, to my knowledge, ever broke confidence by waving this document in front of the press in her defense.
As usual, IOKIYAR.
“Powell says he told Clinton his use of personal email ‘vastly improved’ communications within the department.”
GOP: “Lock him up! Lock him up!”
The GOP has changed, so they just might…
Powell: Used an AOL email account, deleted everything.
Republican Outrage: none
Rice: Used a private server for email, deleted everything.
Republican Outrage: what outrage?
Cheney/Bush: Used the fucking RNC server, gleefully admit destroying their emails.
Republican Outrage: less than none
Clinton: used a fully private server she had local physical control over, never hacked, did not send or receive classified materials and turned over all but personal emails…
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same…
Powell has been saying he used personal email for, what?, two years now?
Oh FFS…who gives a shit! I don’t give a shit about her damn emails and I believe most of the country feels the same way I do about this crap. There’s no there, there…so enough is enough.
Little “c” folks, a little “c” for “confidential” that was sent to her on three fucking emails out of 33,000 basically. 7 or 8 investigations later…it still doesn’t change the fact that it was a political witch hunt from the very start by the rump caucus of Teabaggers in Congress with the support of mainstream inside the beltway Repukes awaiting Hillary’s run for the Presidency. Any of the pundit-class still trying to make something of this shit should be viewed with derision and branded as a bunch of shit-sniffers that love the smell of their own shit.
And not only that, but IIRC Hillary’s server was installed by the State Department’s contractor and overseen by the Secret Service.
But remember when the Repubs were trying to portray it as a “home-brew” server, as if it was patched together from aftermarket parts bought on Craigslist? Good times.
5 million emails destroyed…but hey, no biggie. Rove still has a job on Faux, runs a SuperPAC, and has beltway standing among some Pukes. Bush’s brain, or Turd Blossom, whichever is preferred, is still sought after for his lame opinion without nary a thought to ask him what he and his posse did with all those communications to this day.