Discussion: Colbert: FREEDOM! I Stand With My Scottish 'Secessionist Brothers'

No flaming from me. Rye is great stuff and it started having a big resurgence some years ago. Might buy a bottle today just because you talked about it.


Investment strategy


Your weekly shopping trip???



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I have discovered the wry ryeness of wry to be very appealing to the palate.

Rye with a splash sodaā€¦nice.

Besides which gives another depth of meaning to

ā€˜Driving Chevy to the levy drinking______ā€™


Totally agreeā€¦

Anyone who drinks Drambuie deserves to spend the night puking. I know I sure did.


Yokels :wink:

All kidding aside, if you have thirty or forty bucks that arenā€™t doing anything productive, drop them on a fifth of Elijah Craig 20 year old single barrel. Itā€™ll make a believer out of you.

Thanks, Iā€™ll remember that.

Itā€™s been getting a lot of coverage on NPR and WNYC.