Discussion: Cohn Tells International Officials That US Still Plans To Exit Paris Climate Deal

we are withdrawing from the Paris Agreement unless we can reengage on terms more favorable to the United States,

Wait. According to @ncsteve 's excellent explanation of this, we make our own terms. Who the fuck are we “negotiating” with?


Okay, now where does Donald want a free Trump tower?

Look, look! It’s a Cohn job!

So … I see Cohn is still working for the Nazi symp President. I guess those qualms about Trump’s Nazi-enabling remarks were overcome by his climate denialism.

Funny how that works out.

Really, really, really, really wish someone in the Liberal Media would fucking ask one of them about this. Are they all utterly ignorant of the treaty’s terms? Or is it just to partisan to note that they seem to be talking about some entirely other alternate universe treaty, yet withdrawing from the real one because of it?


I’m rather disappointed that no one from T rump’s administration has offered any specifics about how withdrawal from the COP 21 would be of any direct benefit to the US. I want a specific example of how going it alone would be in the US’s best interest, and specifically how the Paris accord hurt America’s interests. I would also like to hear anyone explain how the planet’s best interests are not in the best interests of the US. Yes, a habitable planet is in the best interests of the planet, but a habitable planet is not in the best interests of the United States. REALLY?

While this is a valid point, I’m not sure it matters. If the U.S. says that it’s not going to act on any of the provisions in the agreement, does it make any real difference?

  1. it puts Trump on history’s ‘bad end’. I think only three countries are gonna be leaving or currently aren’t part of Paris

A) Syria (currently dealing with a civil war)

B) Nicaragua (who is supposedly reconsidering their previous decision to not sign)

C) The U.S.(one foot in, one foot out)

  1. somewhat discounting that Survey Monkey poll (Trump copped a positive bounce), this administration is stuck in the high 30’s n Trump is likely looking at an indictment either in '19 or '20.

Simply he has little or no stroke to force a renegotiation over this. Especially if the EU (forget Russia n China) are thinking “we can wait this dude out.”

Now anything can happen, but right now? Nah.