Shouldn’t that be FLUSH THE SEWERS!
Now they have him by the Niagara Falls on state charges. Just in case Trump was thinking on pardoning him. Kinda surprised that Trump ordered his Pit Bulls at the National Inquirer to attack Cohen.
That’s coming. Probably sooner than we think. Apparently his wife is already getting dragged into his shady dealings, and the Feds are asking questions about financing she provided him by taking out a second mortgage in his name. At the time when he was “loaning” $2M+ to Chicago cab families and paying off mistresses out of his pocket.
And in big cities, is awfully hard to be in the Taxi business and not commit a crime. Any cabbie would admit that he doesn’t pay all the taxes that he should. And from there it gets worse as you move up in the pyramid.
“Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets”
Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver 1976
Just seems a really appropriate quote right now
$282,000 = 2.1 Stormy Daniels payoffs
I hope Cohen is flexible, 'cause he’s about to go under the bus!
Well, he told the news media that he borrowed from his home equity line of credit to pay Stormy Daniels, which always seemed rather odd to me.
Cohen reportedly claims that the cabs are not owned by him but by Evgeny Friedman, New York’s “Taxi King” who operated hundreds of cabs including Cohen’s.
Um, yeah, Mikey, I don’t think that helps you or Donnie. Lest we forget, Evgeny Friedman, currently under indictment for tax evasion in the tens of millions of dollars, is a Russian immigrant and is a reported member of the Russian Mob. He has also been fined and forced to reimburse millions of dollars for fleecing his drivers, and has filed bankruptcy for his taxi companies to shield them from creditors. Sound familiar? But I’m sure all that’s just an amazing coincidence. “No ties to Russians.”
If the bus is late he can always be thrown under a taxi.