Discussion: Cohen $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels Came From His Home Equity Line

Gee, you think he could have raised the money by selling World’s Finest Chocolate candy bars door-to-door like every high school band member in history.


Ha, they will tell you it was well worth it for Gorsuch and Tax Cuts.


Trump cannot afford to have Cohen flip on him - Cohen knows absolutely everything.


But even the Kochs are saying now HEY WHOA we did not sign up for no TARIFFS NOW. There’s really a point at which it all starts going wronger than was worth it.


He used his line of credit to pay off a porn star to protect his §resident?

I guess his mom wouldn’t cosign a loan for him this time around. I am truly mystified at that display of prowess and aplomb here. But then it follows suit with any lawyer associated with Trump.

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If Trump didn’t know about it, asshole, then how can the NDA be binding? From what I can gather with my very limited intelligence, Michael Cohen made Stormy Daniels sign an NDA that prevents her from discussing the sex with Michael Cohen that they never had, since Trump never signed the NDA in the first place, but Cohen apparently did. Jeez, Mike! After all that money and the possible liability and damage to your legal career, you think you’d at least have gotten a handjob out of it or something.


As one late night show host put it aptly - Stormy wasn’t the only one who got screwed.

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All the while during this Russia investigation, Robert Mueller always looked so serious I couldn’t even imagine him cracking a smile, but after this offer from Trump’s crackerjack team of legal “pit bulls”, I think Mueller is probably still holding his stomach due to the endless painful guffaws.


Trump hopes he can redact any Stormy info like he did the Dem memo.

RE: Item 1: It could very well be that Cohen came up with the money from elsewhere within his personal finances. According to news reports, his net worth is at least $10 million. The HELOC would have provided a quick source of funds, then Cohen could have paid it off with money he got from his own income or from unwinding something else that took a little more time.

RE: Item 2: Cohen is basically a businessman who happens to have a law degree. The degree is from Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Cooley is not bottom-of-the-barrel law school; it’s more like the slime under the barrel when you lift the edge and look underneath. Cooley is a consistent contender for literally the lowest ranked law school in the nation. In other words? If Cohen got disbarred it wouldn’t mean a whole hell of a lot relative to how he makes his living.


This will help you imagine it.


Ah yes the Home Breaker Equity Line. Didn’t he blow all that in the late 80’s . . Play Boy Mansion stuff ?
Bank Associate :
Well Mr. trump that takes care of your current alimony payment, your transfer from Germany, your United Emirates business with your son, your multiple bankruptcy statement, your dwindling property information, your lawyer(s) fee(s) updates and current payment statement to all prostitute / entertainment ‘persons’ foreign & domestic.

Is there anything else we can do for you today sir ?


Oh, like to put in Stormy windows? BOOM!


Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

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Consigliere, an adviser, especially to a crime boss in this case Don Trumpp

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Along with the salary he’s says he’s going to donate to charity, I smell yuuuge tax deductions and also an understatement about the crime family’s profits.


Especially the partners at Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.


Long reporting in the New Yorker from the reliable Jane Mayer about the dossier and the mention that McDonnell was the only one of the so called Gang of Eight who wouldn’t agree to Obama’s request to looking into Russian meddling, i.e. hacking.


Or The Onion with Sanders talking “hot and bothered.”


Would love for this to be the cold open on SNL this week…