Discussion for article #224581
Poor guy. (Allegedly) Committed a crime and then got arrested.
What IS this world coming to? He was white! He was a teabagger!
Way to go, GOP! You built this! Don’t tread on McDaniels!
McDaniels acts like he was entitled to this win. Cochran used alternative means to get crossover votes and ultimately won and somehow thats only because Black people were paid. Ya know, because Black people are always looking for free money handouts no matter what they have to do nudge nudge wink.
McDaniel is looking like a sore loser who won’t go away quietly. It’s entertaining at some level but pretty pathetic too.
And this Felder guy’s claims are rather questionable. Something very odd is going on there.
This whole thing is like a bad accident. You see it’s a hot mess yet you find it hard to look away…
I did call it before the election - if he lost Cochran would have quietly fucked off into the night. McDaniel would kick and scream longer than humanly possible.
Now we just need the Teabagger Tantrum to damage things as far out as 4 months from now.
Remember all that crying about how so “not-racist” the Tea Party crowd is?
Yeah, that was quaint when they said that, wasn’t it?
Boo hoo, McDaniel. Bend over and take it like a man, you sanctimonious prick.
Hey, they’re not being racist. It’s the blacks ganging up on them that’s racist!!!
The $15 was to pay the poll tax. This is Mississippi, after all.
“You lame stream media, Thad bought this election paying black voters harvested by black pastors at $15 a vote,” Van Overschelde wrote. “Do your investigative reporting before you start spouting off printing false narratives.”
Somebody dial 9-1-1 because I’ve overdosed on irony.
If Charles C. (does the “C” stand for Colson?) Johnson wants to pay me to make up a story about buying votes I’ll do it.
Only fifteen dollars!
Hell, 5/9ths of SCOTUS probably got vacations, private jet travel,
endless dinner invites and all the fabric they could use from Hobby Lobby.
Miss Laura: The only media investigation that’s needed is one into this Johnson character…
And the carried them into town on a wagon to vote.
Yeah but it is a step up from the slice of pizza the GOP says minorities are normally given to vote…
Wait a second…
Fifteen dollars times three-fifths of a vote means nine dollars per effective vote?
Wingnuts aren’t just called that because of their extreme views on political issues. Many are actually NUTS!
“You lame stream media…”
Start a comment quoting Sarah Palin, while expecting to be taking serious???..???..??? Really?
Lordy, the Tea People love being victims. They look for victimhood everywhere. It gives them purpose and connects life’s dots for them in ways that manufactures innocence, meaning, and fury.
Try the NEW Tea Party!! Now with 50% more victimhood and NONE of responsibility you find in other parties!!
Order now and we’ll send you our new “Please Tread on Me!” flag!!! You’ll be a victim in no time!!
Okay creative progressives, big bucks await the first good play on the don’t tread on me flag, using the motto below (which I freely donate to the public domain).
Waaaaaaah! Somebody trode on me.
And I’ll bet someone can come up with a better motto
I love this - let’s hope they keep fighting for the next 3 months. The GOP in Mississippi is such a sewer they may turn all republicans off.
Which works for me!