Discussion: CNN's Cooper Grills Kellyanne Conway On Trump's Twitter Insults (VIDEO)

… or trying to nail jell-o to the wall.


Kellyanne, you should read this:

281 twitter insults every one of which is documented. By your employer, Kellyanne.
281 insults by category. Including inanimate objects.

I am proud to say that nothing on my resume is trump related. Nor has any of my money gone his way.
Kellyanne, if I were you I’d ask to be paid now since your man’s checks may be no good come Nov 9th


This was so frustrating to watch! Why can’t journalists be tough on her? She’s defending the indefensible and Anderson’s job is to call a spade a fucking spade.


She reminds me of Jan Brewer.


It’s a full blivet bag. Very, very full. Outstanding, great, fullness. Bigly full.

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Harsh! I think she has a few good angles still. Brewer, yeesh, I think I once said she looks like a skeleton wrapped in rawhide with a blonde wig on its head.

If CNN honestly wanted to get at the truth they’d never invite her on in the first place. She’s trained for double talk. It’s good to see Cooper looking tough, though.

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I hope she gets her salary in cash. This is a lot of hassle to go through if a bounced check is all Trump gives her.

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In 100% with your post (I “liked” it)

But I will take what I can get. The soft people we lost over the Comey-Gate affair may be more likely to go back to preferring Hill after seeing Melania’s incredible speech** (as opposed to your MORE VALID reasons).

**Looking at that “Poor-Man’s Zsa Zsa Gabor” stumbling through her lies was a turn-off for a lot of people.


LOL… I hope you are right… anything at all is better than nothing at all.


Let’s both hope so…

Check this out… I grew up in Europe after WWII and was a passionate supporter of Radio Free Europe. The Warsaw Pact countries were helped a little by RFE…and my mentality, all through my childhood, was one of sympathy for the countries of Eastern Europe.

And here is how racism works. In 1956, I was an AMERICAN kid sympathetic to the Hungarians in their 1956 uprising. I know that Melania is not Hungarian…but suppose racism creates an environment in which, as a WHITE, someone like her leaps past me and wants to make me a second class citizen.

When racism becomes a guiding light, one’s nationality is subordinate to the type of person HOLDING the nationality.

Trump’s Campaign damage control center has everything under control now! Not to worry!

(Gawwd’ I love this gif. Funny…confusing…)


could be a scarecrow. same effect. scares me too.


you can make what you want of it. very fluid.