Discussion: CNN's Chris Cuomo Gets Heated With Trump: Experts Think Muslim Ban 'Stupid'! (VIDEO)

I don’t mean to pull a goldielocks, but while I appreciate that Cuomo didn’t sit there and just give Trump a platform to rant, I don’t think news anchors should debate the guests. They should ask hard questions and follow up BS answers with other informed questions, but IMHO, they shouldn’t be arguing. They should give people like Trump enough rope to hang themselves and move on.

I didn’t disagree with anything I heard Cuomo say (in this interview, anyway). I just think news anchors need to be careful about maintaining objectivity.


oops … that’s what I get for trying to post at work …

Be very careful what you wish for.

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Trump as a third party candidate guarantees a solid Democratic victory, which would be just fine with me.

Well, it all depends on who your “experts” are. Erick “Son of Erick” Erickson thinks Trumps naked bigotry is a Jim-dandy idea. So what could possibly go wrong?

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Why not ban anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric while you’re at it? And also let’s ban the children of gun gropers, and KKK sympathizers, and schizophrenic college students. We’ll just take each mass shooting as it comes, and ban whomever is responsible in each case until we turn this country into a utopia for thick-fingered vulgarians.

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I agree. News interviews should be about the person interviewed like sporting events should be about the teams playing, not the umps or refs.

Cuomo should have asked Trump this: “Sir, if you are going to blame all Muslims for the actions of some in Paris and San Bernadino, should you not also blame all white Christians for Charleston and Planned Parenthood? Why are all Muslims painted with a broad brush that you do not apply to white Christians?”


The Republican Party renders your otherwise logical wish more problematic.

The saying, “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line” has some merit, particularly since terrorism is not like conventional or even Guerilla war.

In the case of Trump, I believe that he is hoping for terrorism to be on everyone’s minds and actually linked the idea of upswing of consciousness on terrorism to his success in the polls. The people to whom he ministers are not the kinds of people prone to anything but simplistic and jingoistic xenophobic rhetoric

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I think there would be more than a few republicans who have sadly watched their party get eaten alive by the Tea Maniacs that would call a Trump nomination the last straw and just stay home.

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Hey Don, are you going to let in oil from Muslin countries or cash. Are you going to let them buy up our debt?

Interviewer: What specifically is your answer to the criticisms that your plan is illegal, unconstitutional, and counterproductive?

Trump: Take Paris, look at the carnage!


Yeah, but Trump would interpret that question as follows: “Mr. Trump would you mind bloviating randomly for our audience? It’s free air time for you, after all!”

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People could have done more, though. His father said he was radicalized and the father knew it. There was this African American acquaintance who heard from him that he didn’t want to live in USA and pay taxes, because taxes were just being used to fight the wonderful ISIS.

Those are not illegal to talk about, but you could alert somebody.

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Or his hotel and real estate deals in the Gulf States. He might have some trouble going there to oversea them.

I was in one of my homes just across from our border with Mexico and early one morning I saw many thousands of illegal aliens, some with thighs like Kangaroos, streaming across out border.

I have received millions of tweets from others who also saw this.

:open_mouth: :grinning:


His parents are old country, probably not too immersed in American culture or norms from what I’ve observed. Where they come from it’s fairly cloistered. The nuclear and extended familiys are very insular. Beyond that matters are dealt with and remain within the tribal unit.

Hell, you know where I’m headed…

His dad reacted the way his father, grandfather so on and so forth would have reacted. He did his best to understand what his son was doing and either approve, cajole or remain silent.

The Silent Treatment is bad tactic.