Discussion: CNN's Ana Navarro: 'I Cast My Vote For Hillary Clinton' To Stop Trump

“I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida by a large enough margin that my vote wouldn’t matter,” Navarro wrote, adding that she originally planned to write-in a vote for her mother as a protest against both major-party nominees.

“Then I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton,” she continued. “Let me rephrase that. I cast my vote against Donald Trump.”

Profile in courage? Not so much.


“I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida by a large enough margin that my vote wouldn’t matter,” Navarro wrote, adding that she originally planned to write-in a vote for her mother as a protest against both major-party nominees.

How did the Whigs end again?


Thanks for waiting as long as possible to make a sensible(?) choice, Ana. Your decisiveness will not go un-noted.

A personal note to Ana de tu Tio:
¿Qué mierda te pasa? Pensamos que usted no era un niño de carteles para la estupidez ciega, pero ahora nos preguntamos. ¿Qué mierda te pasa?


Give her a break. She is an impassioned Republican advocate/commentator that I occasionally disagree with but I respect. She is bravely forsaking her party line for the good of the country. Go Ana! Feel free to join is Democrats again on other issues. More or less we’re pretty reasonable folk.


Regardless, I’ll take it. HRC is the right’s version of Dick Cheney with all that false equivalence implies.


I am really sick of these jerks voting ‘against a bad man’. OK we get it. NOW, you can unscrew you mouth and admit that you are voting FOR the most qualified person in the race. It pisses me off that these pundits who know a freakin’ LIE when they ‘see’ it are still perpetuating the BS of 30 years culmination of garbage against Hillary. You may not want her as your BFF but you weren’t going to get that anyway. Hillary is impressive as hell. The ‘she’s not perfect’ crap is sexist in the extreme. Yeah, let’s just slap that little woman down
she’s ‘careless’ doncha’ know. As my boy Joe says


She’s not ‘bravely forsaking her party line’
the party line is TOAST. They are definitely going to need a new one when this is over and Navarro will be leading the pack.


Thank you, Ms. Navarro, for voting Democratic this time – however, with all due respect, I sincerely do not feel Hillary is the “lesser of two evils.” No. Donald and today’s Republican Party are evil. Like all of us, Hillary may have made some poor decisions, but some of those decisions were born out of the constant attacks from the ‘90s and on. Hillary has dedicated much of her life to helping minorities. Donald brags about assaulting women, mocks us disabled people and discriminates against African-Americans seeking housing. Donald is evil. There is no frickin’ comparison between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Thank you.


This is how it’s done, Paul Ryan. But you sold your soul hoping to get your budget bill passed. You know - the one that starves the poor and elderly to give to the rich.

And now, you’ll have to deal with Madame Clinton, that is, if you can hang on to your Speakership.


The one word which struck me the most in Navarro’s message was the word “Florida”. We need it.

And, if I were in any way involved with the Democrats there I would want to retire that charlatan, Rubio and SWAMP Florida with a Democratic landslide.


I’ll even take Navarro’s vote in this case.


“Most of us would punish our children for exhibiting such behavior.”

To be fair, Trump’s campaign manager mom KellyAnn did punish him by taking away his cell phone and sending him to his rally rooms.


Trump: She is not very bright. She voted for Dubya
 twice. Sad!


Thank you, Ms. Navarro. I’m counting on sane Republicans (especially women) like you voting against Trump, Gov. McCrory, and Sen. Burr here in NC tomorrow. We’re living in 2016, not 1877, even if the state GOP is unaware of it.


I respect her too but 
 this is bullshit. It’s a puff piece she sold, which is okay. But if you read the piece you quickly realize that “if it took her this long to figure out that HOTOG is a dangerous fraud” maybe her decision carries a bit less weight.

And, at risk of repeating myself, ¿Qué mierda te pasa? Pensamos que usted no era un niño de carteles para la estupidez ciega, pero ahora nos preguntamos. ¿Qué mierda te pasa?

(Lo siento, @emilianoelmexicano. Mi Español es poco bueno.)


I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I adore that sweet, sweet baby in your profile pic. Every post of yours carries with it a very loud and annoying ticking sound, I blame the baby.


“You know what, Scottie?” Navarro retorted. “Don’t tell me you’re offended when I say pussy, but you’re not offended when Donald Trump says it. I’m not running for president. He is.”

It’s so easy to lose sight of the standards of basic decency here, regardless of policy. We, and by “we” I mean Americans, not Democrats, need that voice, especially coming from Republicans.


I’m beginning to tire of the phrase “lesser of two evils.” I understand how a Republican sees these things differently but Hillary Clinton is not evil. Donald Trump is evil. Which brings me around to thinking that although I don’t watch TV or know much about this woman, she seems to have a functioning moral compass. These days that counts for something. Without Florida the bastard’s done. Welcome aboard, Ana, you made the right choice.


One more thing: when someone’s walking in the wrong direction and they finally stop and turn around, good for them, they deserve some encouragement. Berating them for being way over there isn’t likely to make them want to move closer to you.


Ana Navarro? A woman of presumably Hispanic heritage? And it only took you to a few days before the election to decide that Donnie was not a wise choice?

Welcome aboard, I guess, but maybe next time, think Country over party a tad sooner?

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