Discussion: CNN: Mueller Continues Probes Into Trump's Russian Business Ties

I still refuse to watch - I can’t see or hear that so-called “man” for more than a few seconds. My visceral response is extreme nausea and rage.


Paddy Power betting site has a Donald Trump Bet page

There’s something extra special that these kinds of bets are called “Prop Bets”, as in “Proposition”.


“Hey, anyone know why Trump had 30,000 packets of Flavor Aid delivered to the arena?”


Chiselin’ Trump: “Who the hell wants to talk about politics finances when I am in front of the Boy Scouts a grand jury?”


His lawyers could challenge individual jurors, but it would be purely a delaying tactic that would only turn the PR battle against them more strongly.

His recourse still stands with getting an AG to fire Mueller (or deputy). That seems highly unlikely as well. He has royally pissed of the Senate badmouthing Sessions, and Democrats will certainly go with the pro forma sessions to prevent a recess appointment. Trying to get anyone else through the Senate would be an uphill battle, with the decision to fire Mueller being the most prominent question. And, oh yeah, he will be burned alive in the PR battle throughout.

That only leaves hunkering down, and hoping they can lie,plead the 5th, pardon their way out of this mess. Given what we have seen so far, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were in the WH tonight.


Yeah that’s true. I wouldn’t expect them to go that route, but rather to object to the GJ in general but they could do that.

It still doesn’t make any difference if they fire Mueller, from the standpoint of the GJ - someone else would have to be appointed to run the GJ but I don’t see any plausible argument about firing Mueller that would justify dismissing the Grand Jury.

Besides as you say - they run a terrible risk that they will have pushed the GOP Congress so far if they do something like that that I think the blowback would be Trump’s utter destruction.


Thanks for this. Can’t see how Trump can challenge the GJ.
Probably the next time we see Gen. Flynn in public will be walking down the steps to a courthouse, after GJ testimony.
I’m trying to recall who I thought would flip next. Prob Manafort.
Watergate - Multiple Grand Juries.
Nixon actually testified to a GJ, after his resignation and pardon. Transcripts are now available
Iran- Contra - Multiple Grand Juries.
Whitewater - Grand Jury.
Scooter Libby (GWB) - Grand Jury.


Trump v. Mueller reminds me of this scene from DIE HARD. Trump is Hans and Mueller is McClane. Trump thinks he’s in control and is always accustomed to telling others what to do. Ooops! No bullets -

I’ve been trying to make that point for a few weeks now regarding the Special Counsel investigations (and the FBI counter espionage investigations which are still continuing). Removing Mueller on some grounds of conflicts of interest, doesn’t end the investigation.It merely means the DoJ has to appoint someone else to head it up.

Once started, the investigation only ends with indictments or with the Special Counsel office saying there is nothing to prosecute.


O that’s exactly right and I’ve said the same thing before when the subject of firing Mueller has come up. It wouldn’t be the end of any of this for Trump even under better conditions than he really finds himself in - if he was a popular president for instance. As it is he couldn’t be in a worse mess if he had tried even harder to fuck over the whole country.

hahahahaha I read on Rawstory - it’s not Comey vs. Trump, it’s the entire FBI vs. Trump.



Wasting no time.


If he’s contemplating doing something rash El Bufon should put in a call to Ketchum, Putin’s PR firm. They stock porcine lipstick in an exquisite variety of shades.
Edit: That’s what he needs, a booking on “Megyn Kelly”.
Maybe “booking” is a sensitive subject, though.

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Actually Johnny Friendly in On the Waterfront, “They’re dusting off the hot seat for me”

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It really seemed like the worm had turned this week. Everyone, including Republicans, are throwing shade at Trump and this has to be the explanation. Those in the know knew, we’re just catching up.

I think Republicans are signaling they won’t support Trump when the shit hits the fan. But we’ll see.


I’d be OK with Trump serving a 4 year term. Just not in the White House.


I don’t think that trump is worried, what with his being able to pardon the shit out of everybody as president and all. /s


“When I am growed up I want a pet skwerl like y0u ware on your head.”


If you mean prison term, I think they’re very good.


The investigators probably already have them.


My main question:

Are the prisons bigly enough?

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