And, you know, giving away out air traffic controllers to some high profit, nickle-pinching corporation should ease Saudi flight take-overs and leave us skyscraper-less…That Trump, ahead of the end America curve.
That won’t be necessary. Tourism is already down in the U.S. by almost 16% since El Gordo Naranja has taken office.
I was upset Gorka didn’t wear his sash and orders…
Is this the week we impeach the mofo already?
See anyplace else first.
Yeah, all kinds of interesting stuff coming out about Middle East since the big arms deal was signed by what’s his name.
You may not need to wait that long.
Atlantic magazine writer Steve Clemons said during a Saturday panel on MSNBC’s “The Point with Ari Melber” that National Security Agency (NSA) Director Michael Rogers “may have a bomb to drop” on the Trump administration.
Rogers will testify Wednesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is currently investigating whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russian officials to sway the results of the 2016 election.
I read that myself last night and thought - O please don’t tease me.
Yet Chinese nationals are paying the Kushner family $500,000 to come live here.
A Trumph (a Trump triumph requiring constant massaging, fluffing, dodging and, yes, a fib or two).
Atlantic magazine writer Steve Clemons said during a Saturday panel on MSNBC’s “The Point with Ari Melber” that National Security Agency (NSA) Director Michael Rogers “may have a bomb to drop” on the Trump administration.
God, I’m juvenile…
Here’s what’s going to happen. Trump and everyone in his sphere of influence is going to accuse people testifying about anything Trump has said or done as inveterate liars, or mentally unbalanced, or agents in league with adversaries out to destroy the nation. Sufficient numbers of citizens, and more importantly members of Congress, will go along with the smears to forestall or end any impeachment actions.
Trump walks.
Yes, I saw that too. It said travel inquiries were down 43% from Canada. But that figure was from January, right after the first abortive ban.
Across the board the drops are staggering. This, from an article by Reuters, in February:
Interest in travel to the US has “fallen off a cliff” since Donald Trump’s election, according to travel companies who have reported a significant drop in flight searches and bookings since his inauguration and controversial travel ban.
Data released this week by travel search engine Kayak reported a 58% decline in searches for flights to Tampa and Orlando from the UK, and a 52% decline in searches for Miami. Searches for San Diego were also down 43%, Las Vegas by 36% and Los Angeles 32%.
Additionally, business is down at Trump Soho so much that it’s going to lay off 15% of its staff. Oddly enough, other hotels in the area have seen a slight increase in business.
I have no idea how to account for that anomaly. LOL
Mrs.?!?!? Betty married?!?! Who’s the lucky man? Is the wedding on youtube? The honeymoon? The quickie divorce?
…Give interviewers a big pair of scissors----- to cut ‘ties’ —literally for guy liars.
Two words…Mary Magdalene.
Trump lashed out at his own Justice Department for submitting a “watered down, politically correct” version of the order.
“People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!”
I’ll call it what it is:
Bannon-designed, primitive, base demagoguery created for the primitive Trump base.
That will work out very nicely given that “Trump and everyone in his sphere of influence are inveterate liars, or mentally unbalanced, or agents in league with adversaries out to destroy the nation.”
All the people with an ounce of integrity left at Justice should resign en masse or at least en the one or two.
You cannot have “administration policy” that is divorced from idiot president policy.