Discussion: CNN Host Presses NC Guv: Are The Syrian Refugees In Your State ‘A Threat?'

Discussion for article #242931

Wait…did this asshat just lament that we have no Checkpoint Charlie type shit going on in this country?1???

Edit - I see no reason to try to say it in a new and clever way, so I’ll just copy it from my post about Scalia’s new nonsense…“make no mistake: If they cannot maintain their tyranny through democratic process, then they will eschew all pretense thereof…so help them god.”


“Well, you’re assuming we know where they are. We don’t know where they
are,” he said. “They did not come through the state of North Carolina or
any ‘Checkpoint Charlie,’ like they used to have near the Berlin Wall.
They directly report to nonprofit agencies so we have to get the
information from the nonprofit agencies that the federal government and
immigration refer them to. That’s the lines of communications we need to
have, especially with our public safety officials at the state level.
These are the kind of conversations we need to have.”

Had to post the whole quote. That is one scary son of a bitch.


Gonna need a passport to move between States. Deep thinkers here. American Exceptionalism at it’s best.


“When they are not committing voter fraud or threatening to take our guns away or giving HIV to Charlie Sheen, their cats are living with Christian dogs! They are a damn menace!”


North Carolina already resettled more than four dozen Syrians.

A cold shiver runs down the back of North Carolina’s Governor, and a warm trickle flows down his legs…


Here are a few facts should have know as governor:

So he’s either a liar or a incompetent.


Why not both? Insert appropriate gif here…


He’s just playing to his base

Oh, he’s neither. Kochtopus Proconsul Goodgrin does the bidding of his imperial masters on the things that matter to them, caters to the absolute worst impulses of the Birchers and Teanuts on the things that don’t matter to Chuck and Dave, and poses as a moderate to the media, no matter how extreme his actions.


Isn’t Art Pope in the mix there somewhere too?

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Will someone give Dodge McCrory the phone number to these non-profits so he can put his mind at ease?


“Hell, honey, every damn democrat in the state is a threat.”

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I take mine any time I travel farther south than CT. Can’t be too careful.

Why can’t it be both?

The Governor is a bed wetting chicken hawk. Another thing is for sure he is neither a real American nor a real Christian.

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Why are Red-Blooded-USA-Is-#1-Republicans such P**sies?

I mean, seriously. With all their guns and bravado and “bring it on”, the moment an actual, kinda-sorta, maybe threat from halfway around the world has them running to mama.

I mean, at least if you’re gonna play tough, then play it all the way.


When did being Syrian become a crime? Why do GOPers make Muslims criminals BEFORE the fact? At root then I come to the conclusion GOPers are xenophobic racists and are afraid of their own shadows.
They (GOPers) are the ones who whined about “good guys with guns” and everybody should get massively heavily armed. Now however, if we admit a FIVE YEAR OLD ORPHAN we are supposed to quail in fear that he may go to a local gun shop and go out and commit mayhem and disaster. OK here I have to say that certain national leaders are cowards.

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…you haven’t received enough information that you’re confident of the background check system,…

If Patty doesn’t have confidence in the background check system, what about all those folks who bought guns? And I’m pretty sure they’re armed!

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Seriously? Did he just invoke “Check Point Charlie”? OMG… does he even have a clue? Helllloooo… we were AGAINST that wall – the guys with the wall were… the bad guys. Since he and his cronies are Repubs, let’s just loop “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” a la Ronnie, over and over until they wake up?? I know, I know. They just don’t give a shit any more…