“a man and a woman joined together hopefully in holy matrimony, until, you know, a slinky East European model comes along, obviously.”
That’s 97%. You won’t get those kinds of odds with any surgical procedure, yet people go under the knife everyday because they’ve weighed out the consequences of doing nothing – and choose to be proactive.
I’d love to slap his silly face…‘natural family’ indeed. We had a ‘man and a woman’ but both of us worked and thank GOD for caregivers who were all OVER the map for helping us raise our children. I love how the homophobes can opine on what is ‘right’ while cutting funding, raising taxes, imposing BS legislation that makes it impossible to raise children in a ‘natural family’. That went out in the 50’s/60’s.
Besides deplorable, he’s also got a urinal face. You just know he got his face stuck in the bottom of a smelly urinal at least a few times in school. It never happened to me and I never did that to anyone else, but I know the type – and he’s the type.
“I think I’d need to look a little further into some of that research,” King said in response. “We got down the global warming argument and found out there’s another side to that equation too.”
The congressman then said the “natural family” is “the best and most wholesome way to raise a child.”
“And that’s been the case throughout thousands of years of human history. And I think we need to go with the things we know work,” King said.
I…holy shit…I wonder what it’s like to live life in this “I have everything backwards” bubble? What a tremendous dick this guy is. He has to be in the Guinness Book of World Records for world’s most dumb asshole person. Is that a thing? If not, it should be invented for Steve King. Ho-ly shit…
It just boggles the mind. It stands to reason that the average gay parents provide a slightly better household than the average straight household because you have the baseline of a couple that wants a child, not always the case in straight households.
For so long the religious right railed against the ‘hedonistic gay lifestyle’, and yet they fight tooth and nail to prevent gay men and women from forming happy, stable nuclear families. No marriage or kids for you! Thankfully these attitudes are literally dying off.
“I think I’d need to look a little further into some of that research,” King said in response. But he won’t.
Hey, TPM - complete the news reporting. Rep. King is advocating this position in restricting Trump’s child care package to just his preferred type of family. The “unnatural” families would not be eligible. This was not just another idle conversation with the bigoted King.
He’s right about “the other side” of the climate change story. There’s the “we need to take action now if we want to forestall the worst impacts” side, and then there’s the “nevermind we’re totally fucked because anti-science nutjobs like Steve King have successfully duped enough similarly-stupid people into delaying action” side.
Monday’s XKCD was on topic:
Having spent many years as a public school teacher, i can attest that the worst thing that ever happened to some kids is that they were raised by their “natural” family.
So, Stevie, please mansplain to us ignorant Liberals how Donald Trump is the paragon of the “Natural Family” with his multiple infidelities, divorces, and mail-order brides?
Oh, I forgot. He is a rich white guy (well, Orange really.)
Draft dodgers have to stick together.
and that’s his good side…
What a hoot. “Thousands of years” became “hundreds” as Steve dwindled and disappeared…
King still insisted that the "evidence is very heavy on the other side of this thing,” arguing that children need both male and female role models.
Well, King believes the Bible counts as evidence, so at least he’s not lying. He’s just an idiot.
HaHaHa!!! And he’s even opened his mouth a wee (hehehe, I said “wee”) bit for … target practice.