Discussion: CNN Host Presses GOP Rep. On His Belief That Kids Need 'Natural Family'

“And that’s been the case throughout thousands of years of human history. And I think we need to go with the things we know work,” King said.

This notion runs counter to the continued marketing of the so called "***universal TV remote***".

Hey, Trumpies: You get a homophobe talking as your surrogate, this is what you’re gonna get.

Steve King is one of the legion of Republican “science is hard” Barbies.
There’s no hope. He really doesn’t know how science works, nor does he have any critical reasoning skills.


King is an hysterical lunatic.


Steve King upon extending his remarks said that children should also be removed from the homes of widowers and widows because those unnatural families lack role models of each sex… oh …wait…


Gee, Steve, you grew up in a “natural family” and look at what an asshole you are.


“And that’s been the case throughout thousands of years of human history. And I think we need to go with the things we know work,” King said.

Yes, we didn’t have any homosexuals until 1963. That was the year that Steve King walked into high school and got his first boner looking at adolescent boy tushes.

I’m reminded of the photo that has been in the news lately, of mom and dad passed out on heroin in the front of the car while the poor kid sits in the back seat waiting for them to come to. According to Rep King, that is preferable to a loving gay couple adopting that poor child.


There is almost nothing less natural for humans than monogamy for life.


There is nothing “natural” about Steve King, he’s just a genetically flawed bi-ped.


In July 2013, speaking about proposed immigration legislation, King said of undocumented immigrants, “For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds—and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” Despite strong rebukes from Democrats and King’s fellow Republicans alike, with blunt rebukes from House speaker John Boehner, who called his statements “ignorant” and "hateful" and ***House majority leader Eric Cantor, who called the comments “inexcusable”***; King continued to defend his comments, asserting he got the description from the border patrol.

Cantor and Boehner are gone. King is still in Congress. Survival of the "fittest", GOP version.

They need a “natural family”; one in which there is a single dominate male who mates with any of several cycling females at will and murders subordinate males whom he suspects will challenge his dominance, until one of those subordinate males murders him and assumes his role. It’s a VERY healthy environment for children.


Know-Nothing asshole insists upon retaining his Know-Nothingburger.


King doesn’t know that the “other side of the equation” on climate change is about 3% of the world’s scientists, and most of them are paid for by the people who oppose doing anything about climate change. It’s like back in the middle part of the 20th Century when there was a fight over lead in gasoline. The vast majority of scientists said that lead in gasoline was bad, but a tiny number who sold their souls for a hand full of silver would go on and on about how lead wasn’t that bad in gasoline fumes because of reasons.

The evidence regarding LGBT families is pretty extensive when done by reputable scientists, and the “evidence” provided by the anti-LGBT scientists have been so badly cherry picked and researched they are pretty much fabrications.


“I think I’d need to look a little further into some of that research,” King said in response. “We got down the global warming argument and found out there’s another side to that equation too.”[/quote]

Has “the stooped” become so prevalent that this whopper got completely ignored?

NO! NO!! NO!! There is no “other side to the equation” of global warming! It is recognized by over 99% of scientists as not a debate, not a theory but a reality.

If his argument is that kids need are better off with natural families is as uncertain as global warming, then he’s doubly an ignoramus.


King doesn’t even know the difference between an equals and a less than sign. What equation is he talking about, exactly?

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No no no. He absolutely fucking knows. As do Lamar Smith (R-Exxon)and Senator Jim “This Here Snowball from Outside REFUTES Global Warming” Inhoffe, (R-Phillips Petroleum). They all fucking know. But as we say in Spanish they are putting their hand over the Sun and saying it is not there. And the Media have yet to point out how much like Lead in Gasoline and No Fluoride in Water and Cigarrettes Are not Bad for You this whole stonewall is.

And, being a Cafeteria Catholic, Steve King makes me yearn nostalgically for the 50s when my Catholic parents and siblings were still a suspect minority and the Neanderthal Assholes were all of the WASP persuasion. Now WE have to be embarrassed when some bigot like Alphonse D’Amato or Steve King or John Boehner or NEWT FUCKING GINGRICH or Rudy Giuliani opens his foul mouth.


So, is Steve King (who speaks as a surrogate for Trump’s campaign) saying that Ivanka Trump is proposing “encouraging” mom and dad heterosexual parenting only over gays, single parents, grandparents, etc., who are also raising children? Come on, Ivanka – know what the fuck you’re doing, lady, before you go allowing your father’s mofo stupid surrogates to define what you’re proposing … unless this is what you’re proposing? Seriously, Ivanka??

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IOW a “Christian” Republican family.