Discussion: CNN Host Confronts Rick Perry On His Obama 'Conspiracy' Theory (VIDEO)

“getting into a semantics battle” ???

She repeated YOUR words. Then she asked if you meant it.

Where the everloving fuck does “semantics” enter into it?


Creative individuals all.

Yet you rhetorically ask for creativity from a conservative?
Only if discussing Grifting the ®ubes.


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Um, Rick, the guy who told you that the glasses will make you smarter?



He almost makes Dubya look smart.

I said almost.


I hate to be cruel, but Rick Perry is an idiot. See, I said I hate to be cruel, therefore I’m not actually being cruel.


I’m hardly going to give CNN much credit for asking one slightly-above-softball question.

Their whole web page this morning is a love-fest for Perry, declaring that his Katrina comparison (the 9th time the GOP has claimed something is “Obama’s Katrina”) has doomed Obama, and breathlessly hailing Perry as an underrated political genius who will ride this immigration crisis to the White House in 2016.

Add that to the “serious pundits” declaring that GOP obstruction is really O’s fault because he criticized it and hurt their fee-fees, and you can see the true state of our “liberal media.”


See, I am just as dumb as I was in 2012… PLEASE nominate me!

Our Gov Goodhair’s existence is owed to very wealthy benefactors who have an entire forearm up his keester to move his lips and wiggle his eyes to-and-fro. And of late-- adorn him with the horned-rims.

He is-- the emptiest of vessels. An organic placeholder where a human being ought dwell or occupy.
If not for the office? He’d be so inconsequential as to be unnoticeable.

But alas…



Looking hard in the Google, but so far not finding much of that intense criticism of mr. bush by mr. perry in the wake of Katrina, despite the fact that the state felt FEMA was dicking them around.

Have we figured out that Rick is a gubernatorial pantsload?

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So Rick where did Basseley get the 1M to make that anti islam video?

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Well played.

Join the conspiracy: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/help-arriving-children

Rick Goodhair will be POTUS like I will be starting pitcher for the Padres.

But as I’ve said before, I think I have a shot with the Cubs. What have they got to lose?


Perry thinks those “smart lieberryian glasses” will give him as much boost as $arah Palin’s Bump-It!

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If American media was given the attention they pretend to give to everyone else, the story might be the seemingly conspiratorial collusion between ivory pillar and muddy post…Maybe the media should try bigger glasses?

Perry reminds me a lot of his dry drunk predecessor, W.

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Shaken and stirred…

He’s a nefarious mastermind and an inept, incompetent boob.

He’s also both a floor cleaner and a dessert topping!


“And I hate to be conspiratorial, I hate to be conspiratorial, I did not say I was.”

Exactly who does he think he’s fooling with this act?


It’s also not cruel. if it’s true.

Which it is.

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