Giuseppe Verde (aka Joe Green) was still composing superb music at 83.
'Course, now he’s decomposing.
Giuseppe Verde (aka Joe Green) was still composing superb music at 83.
'Course, now he’s decomposing.
Too bad he didn’t run against Reagan.
I don’t think you’d be spiting Van by voting for Bernie… he’s made his sympathies for Bernie pretty damn clear (rare among the TV punditry). He wants us to vote for Bernie. (And Van is a socialist.)
“Muppet-looking” is a dead giveaway the ribbing was meant affectionately.
I’m one of those people who thinks 79,000 is the new 60. I also remember telling my father-in-law, when I was in my thirties, “I’m going to go ahead and start smoking again when I turn 60 because it won’t matter when I’m that close to death anyway.” He laughed. I’m way past that “so close to death” age now, and I love the wit and wisdom that guy gave me before he died at 95.
I don’t have a problem with Bernie’s hair. Or socialists. I also think Hillary’s hair is very nice, since I’m older than she is I can appreciate how hard it is to keep looking nice when you’re just so damned busy. Cheers to both of them.
Maybe I read it wrong but it didn’t appear that way to me. What skinny guy with the big ears and funny name are you referring too? . You mean that handsome, brilliant, funny, slim, trim guy with the washboard abs who is the best President ever. LOL
Nor should we care. We need to elect our presidents based on competence. Bernie is in pretty darn good physical shape for a 79 year old - his gray hair and heavy New York “jewish” aside.
I thin you are right and I am wrong.
No. Being Black does not excuse what he said nor is it relevant in a discussion of the remarks. The comment was crude and uncalled for. It was not deserved and it comes from a man that will never do for America what Senator Sanders is trying to do.
Nothing wrong with that. It’s the other folks he needs to STFU about. Being old ( I am getting there ) is not something you think all that funny when its you. No one wants to be diminished because of the length of time he’s spent on Earth. It’s right up there with diminishing a person for being Black. VJ will make a much more humble apology soon. Sanders will remain a gentleman and make no derogatory comments.
I think it was Frank Sinatra that said: “its only a number baby”
You’re right that something is happening here. It’s just that you might not know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?
Yep. I am a white woman who married a black man. I knew I was fully in the fold when his family felt comfortable enough around me to poke fun at me. We all need to be able to give and get a little ribbing. It helps us to see ourselves as fully human! I imagine Bernie Sanders as being a person who is secure enough in himself to have a good guffaw over what Van Jones said.
Go back and watch the video like I did (second time around). He was kidding. I never saw the video the first time. I scrolled up too fast
Well said and we share a commonality
Maybe someday Hillary will figure out how to get people to vote for her, too! Not yet, though.
It is republican disdain and even hatred for Clinton that is creating the perception that she is disliked, without a sense of humor, a bankster in a pant suit, and ultimately unelectable, but there is something more subtle going on at the same time. They fear her. It is conservative media and conservative money men who trash her and her candidacy in order to ensure Sanders will be the candidate in the general believing he’d be easier to defeat, which would be a clever ploy if it weren’t so transparent.
Maybe I’m a little too sensitive about being … aged. With age and experience has come some understanding of how the world works. I see that in Bernie. Not so much in trump and at 68 trump should have progressed past childhood.
More of the inarguable CNN liberal bias, right conservatives?