Discussion for article #230233
Cheat to win, it’s the Republican way.
If it’s not illegal then they were smart to use it in such a public, yet opaque way. I can’t get too worked up about this because I’m sure the D’s would have done this or something similarly expansive if they needed to.
I want DOJ and FEC on this like white on rice. Let’s see how fucking nuts the GOP/Teatrolls can be made with an investigation. Just like the IRS trying to enforce the law on 503©(4) organizations’ political activities suddenly takes on grave, conspiratorial significance when it’s GOPers/Teatrolls in the cross-hairs, we’ll no doubt be treated to a shit-flinging tantrum and accusations of abuse of power on this one as well.
Anyone being honest about this can’t say with a serious face that they don’t feel, at least on a gut level, like there’s something wrong with pulling this stunt as an attempt to circumvent election laws designed to protect the integrity of the election process. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking liar…even the true-believer Teatroll types who will argue that it was technically legal “because something something just publicizing their polling data for anyone to see, not sending it directly and secretly to the dark money Super PAC machine.” “It’s technically legal” is the favorite retort of someone who knows they’re doing something that is fundamentally wrong (believe me, I know, I’m a lawyer haha).
Once the camel’s nose of Corruption gets into Democracy’s tent, expect the tent to be full of camel dung pretty quick.
This is very serious. Don’t let the medium confuse you, this is an organized attempt to violate election law. It should be investigated thoroughly and, if the initial reports are accurate, prosecuted. The people responsible for deleting those twitter accounts are obstructing justice. Hopefully twitter has all the information stored on its servers.
The fact that it was clearly “coded” messaging, so to speak, can be taken as an admission that they weren’t really “publicizing” it, knew they weren’t, intended that it not really provide clear and easily accessible information to the public and, therefore, knew that what they were doing was a sneaky attempt to skirt the laws. Nobody looking at that string of mess could tell you what it means without being told how to decode it.
The decoder ring, by the way, comes in a box of Koch-O KKKrispies.
No low-level staffers.
No f^cking interns.
No godd^mn fines.
Until somebodies in the upper echelons of these PACs are indicted, criminally, this will not change the behavior.
Eric Holder? Today sir.
The fact that to understand the tweet required a secret code is proof of illegal collusion.
This just in, Republicans cheat to win elections. In other news, snow is cold, water is wet, rocks are hard, and Caligula is still dead.
In the same way that 501c4 organizations play politics (in spite of the rules), Super PACS will coordinate with campaigns. There is no effective oversight or punishment within the FEC. The aggressive & shameless will always get away with their shenanigans. Citizens United is the frosting on this rancid cake.
Part of the problem has been that the Democrats have been unwilling to go after the Republicans for breaking election laws and other laws for that matter because the Republicans will, typically, whine to FOX News about a political witch hunt being aimed at them. They’ve taken the victimization mentality to a whole new level.
“… in a way that stretches what’s allowed under election law…”
It’s simply the media refusing to call a crime-- a crime.
Like the pablum used when describing a politician when lying-- the media refuse to call them liars.
If that internal polling info was sent/received between two parties who are not allowed to do so?
They broken an existing election law.
How they did it might be creative-- but they accomplished what was termed illegal.
Then tried to delete the evidence.
But we shouldn’t bother getting worked up.
I’m going to justify not getting upset about this underhand possibly illegal thing Republicans have actually been caught doing by assuming that Democrats do/would do the same thing despite having no evidence to support that assumption. How convenient…
Indeed. If the laws directly and inextricably relate to how people and entities are allowed to behave with respect to politics and elections, then they and the MSM have an immediate and unassailable argument that the only reason any of it is being enforced is for political reasons. It’s so far beyond circular logic that it’s really a logic mobius strip.
Sounds to me like LOTS of folks need to go to prison to have a few years to thin about what they have done here.
Where is the 24/7 corporate media outrage over this? If the headline started with “Democrats Used. . .” instead of “GOP Used. . .” this would be the headline-leading story of the week throughout all the media’s various incarnations, with congressional hearings demanded and scheduled, complete with all due fist-pounding outrage, in front of the all-to-willing corporate media cameras.
Darrell F^cking Issa would piss himself with joy.
And the media is controlled by the right-wingnuts.