Discussion: CNN: Goldstone Followed Up On Trump Tower Meet With Trump Aide, His Client


What this article strongly hints at is that, contrary to the assertions of Junior, Kushner (and Manafort?), there were follow-up discussions and maybe actual follow-up that resulted from that meeting.

That puts Junior and Kushner in a false statement trap. I find it hard to believe that either of those 3 didnā€™t tell Trump about that meeting (as he was on the same floor and made a veiled reference to it in a speech that night). Itā€™s also likely that Goldstone communicated with Junior again after that meeting, as the fact that Goldstone emailed Scavino directly indicates that Goldstone had achieved a broader acceptance into the Trump circle, but Junior was a primary contact or friend.

That Goldstone also referenced the DNC hack and ā€˜surpriseā€™ (calling it ā€˜eerily weirdā€™) could mean different things. The Russians may have held back what they had in that meeting, but took note of Trumpā€™s response that they could proceed ahead. We donā€™t know if there was IC evidence for the 6/9 meeting, but we do know that both Page and Papadopoulos were surveilled in real time. The Papadopolous and Page threads may also connect to the DNC hack. At some point the Russians brought all of these threads into one decisional database and elected to move forward with a highly aggressive campaign to subvert the election.

The IC seems to be planting a few kernels here and there as has been the case throughout 2017. I expect there will be more.


That is a lovely hat Mr. Goldstoneā€™s wearing. He seems nice.*

  • For values of ā€œniceā€ that include ā€œoh, god, keep him away from me, and everyone I care about.ā€

I can handle the occasional pic of Manafort, or even of Bannon, but puhleeze do not thrust an image of this cretin in my face, ever again.

Hereā€™s my bottom line take away: The conspiracy between Trump and Russia will never go away.


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Pity the poor Thai hustlers making a living servicing this freak.

Is Goldstone a homeless guy?

No, he sleeps under the same bridge as Steve Bannonā€¦

Looks like Goldstone and Farenthold were separated at birth but both share same tastes in pajamas!