Discussion: CNN Defends Hiring Ex-Sessions Spox Sarah Isgur: 'We Are Thrilled'

WTF ARE THEY DOING? I find this truly hard to believe.

If good news coverage happens incidentally along the way, well, that’s just a bonus.

It won’t.

Trump means ratings. There’s no way CNN ownership wants to go back to pre-Trump ad revenue.

I’ve seen plenty of hires like this in my own professional life. Corporate cultures tend to perpetuate themselves: cultures that promote excellence continue to, usually, and cultures where vapid mediocrity is the rule tend to keep being that as well. You’ve seen it too. The rot works from within, first slowly, then very quickly.


“… many of his coworkers have reacted with anger to the hire, citing the ethical murkiness of accepting a political operative into the newsroom, Isgur’s lack of journalistic experience…”

Do they smell a rat? Maybe they smell musk. In a Fortune 500 co I saw a customer service rep get promoted overnight to regional mgr. It was comparable to moving a corporal to colonel.
She lasted about 3 months she was in so far over her head.
She asked, and was granted, a move back to her old job. Hmmm.

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I know another Sarah whos looking for a new job, she’d be a perfect fit for any news outlet.


CNN is preparing for the general election in 2020 by cleaning up and whitewashing the staff, just in time and in case tRump wins again…They appear to be betting on the idea that this will happen. Isgur seems to be some kind of insurance, if all goes according to prognostications, that they survive the coming apocalypse somehow. Zucker is a good friend of Don the Con I read somewhere. The connection I’m sure is just a coincidence. I just read that Maggie Haberman’s mom worked for tRump and the Kushner’s too as a PR consultant since the days of Fred Drumpf. Oh, the tangled web they all fucking weave…


We’re thrilled that Sarah is coming to CNN. She brings a wealth of government, political, communications, and legal experience to our team.

Her experience is being a GOP operative, last job was being a spokesperson for the racist sessions.

Sarah will spend the first few months here getting to know our systems and our people. Eventually we plan to have her play a coordinating role in our daily political coverage – helping to organize and communicate between newsgathering, digital, and television. With two dozen candidates to cover, constant coordination is needed more than ever.

There are two dozen (DEM) candidates we need a GOP operative to coordinate the cover… wait a sec…


I think she is a worse hire than Corey Lewandowski and I always thought the NDA’d Corey was the worst that could ever be and yet here they surprise me.


Kinda like hiring a vegan to manage a rib joint.


I haven’t been able to stomach it for years. Whenever I happen to see a clip it seems basically Trump operatives spinning loudly and centrist anchors or guests trying to argue with them but with zero ability to debunk anything they’re saying since they know nothing about the details.


Just more proof that the lightweights at CNN don’t have a clue what they’re doing. They’re extroverts who get along with other extroverts and can’t tell when people are lying to them. Even their best “reporters” waste all their time playing Matlock to force Republicans to finally admit that they’re lying and we’re supposed to praise them for asking tough questions that never get answered even though we already know the answers and it’s all just a game.

I’m sure CNN thinks this will mollify conservatives because conservatives claim that’s what they want, but all they did was bring in a saboteur who will trash the place and denounce them when she leaves. One side is playing checkers while the other side is robbing their house.

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I don’t know if that’s true or not but I could swear Maggie H. has broken some very tough stories on Trump. including this most recent one about Whitaker and Berman that has Trump railing about the NYT as “the enemy of the people.” So I’m confused by many of the voices here: Is she entirely in Trump’s pocket, or does this habit of breaking tough stories right over his head somewhat complicate the picture?


Caveat emptor. That’s it. Either that or “Free and worth every penny of it”. I’ll stick with Josh (until he gets too big to fail) and The Guardian (Endowed Trust).


I won’t get into a back and forth about Haberman. I just thought it was an interesting fact. She is all about access journalism imo, not that there’s anything wrong with that… She was however among some of the worst offenders, along with MSNBC’s Joe and Meeka, Ruth Marcus and a host of other print journalists like Haberman and Schmidt that brought us an untold number of Clinton email stories to beat the bunch, and distract us all while Russia was busy hacking anything that couldn’t be nailed down here so tRump could win the fucking election. But I digress…


Maggie is some love, some hate, and some meh for me. Today I love her coz she actually said that the WH lied. Tomorrow, who knows?


CBS also has Boris Epshtein (or however he spells his fucking name) on all their local affiliate TV news stations with his moment of wingnut zen to share with the country.


Liberals need to start to pressure journalism schools to distance themselves from this garbage. By that I mean if CNN is not going to be hiring trained professionals then they should not be invited to symposiums, talks, events that are associated with journalism programs that pride themselves with training professionals.

Also if CNN is going to hand over operations to Right-Wing political operatives Democrat politicians need to start to treat them as a hostel entity. Stop giving them access!

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She won’t make it six weeks.

We’ve seen this time and again. Corporate tries to appease the RWNJ ref-workers, thinking a hire like this will somehow magically end the constant screams of “bias” and “liberal media” and plump up their readership/viewership with Fox addicts by making their coverage more “fair,” and, time and again, it’s like letting the RWNJ’s drop a turd in the punch bowl and then being mystified about how everyone is outraged, even the RWNJ’s who continue to scream about the lack of turds in the punch.

Erick Erickson at WaPo. Megyn Kelly at NBC. Laura Atkisson at CBS. They always flame out spectacularly because they’re fucking lunatics and cannot function in an environment where lunacy is not nurtured and cherished. And so they spontaneously combust, leaving only an expensive, humiliating debacle and choking cloud of turd smoke behind them.

Wait and watch.


I mostly get my news from small and medium web-based independents like TPM. Some, including my longtime metro newspaper, are owned by foundations and other nonprofits now. That may be one direction journalism goes in more as time goes on. The glory days of TV news weren’t that way because of big profits; they were that way because it was seen as a source of prestige for the network.