Ironic that it’s Fred Thompson, but I keep thinking of this scene…
Ya know, I get the feeling that with a lot of these ‘militia’ types, it is all about the show, wearing camo and carrying a weapon. No doubt there are some militiamen crazy enough to use their gunpowder penises, but, you’re right. If a real firefight started, there’d a lot of self-carnage. No way that innocent bystanders would escape being shot, though.
What’s funny about my email to my rep.?
Believing the woman in question will heed your concern and respond accordingly
Don’t raise your hopes too high.
“Nobody ever lost a nickel betting against the intelligence of the American public.” — P.T. Barnum
When/if I get a response I’ll share it with you verbatim. Usually it’s boiler plate crap.
And now the “militia types” have been officially anointed the mantle of legitimacy by the Rethugliklan party.
Good times.
ETA: Oops. Hadn’t seen @antisachetdethe already posted a link to a different article about this.
Thanks for that, Darr.
FWIW: Jeffy Fake and little Johnny McLame have never responded to me with anything OTHER than boilerplate.
Hence, my snarky laugh
This unacceptable behavior. Clinton, Bush, Bush Sr. and Obama need to speak out. Has our democracy come off the rails? Sure feels like it.
And Carter, the only other living president besides Obama with unassailable morality.
In the past former presidents were loathe to criticize their successors. Those days are long gone. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
As a Never Trump Republican puts it,
He could live-stream an Oval Office blood sacrifice to Moloch of puppies and infants while sporting a "Hitler Was Right" tat and nada.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) July 2, 2017
There’s no telling Trump that agitprop requires an “administrative state”, the very kind of thing that President Bannon is deconstructing right now. Even Russia has two agencies, Roskomnazdor and Rospechat to help create an ever-shifting “party line” everybody must toe.
There have been a few conservatives of principle, people like Navarro, Jen Rubin at the WaPo, Charlie Sykes, but the vast majority of them have just shut up and went along to get that investment-income tax cut, Supreme Court seat, yanking health care away from 23 million, destroying environmental regulations.
No principles other than being partisan shitstains.
Why should it?
Chaos, division, confusion, fear work for TheRealLucifer.
That’s humiliating – I’ve never been so ashamed of our country before…
Who says it will end?