Better start dog paddling, Donnie. It’s getting deep…
I am expecting to be pleased with his answers regarding PP, and pissed with his answers regarding fake-emails.
Seems like that’s basically what his notes said.
Donnie: Richard Burr is the worst senator ever! He’s a total LOOOOOSER! No stamina! Won’t even stand up to Show-Boatin’ Comey. Sad!
GOD: Donald…
DONALD What?!?
GOD How long can you tread water?
We’re taking bets about the number of Comey character smears that will appear on Fox today. Enter as many times as you wish, one dollar per guess. In the event of multiple correct answers the pot will be split evenly among the number of correct entries.
So, fake testimony.
It’s called “covfefe”. Get used to it.
I’m going for eleventy-many…
DONALD: What’s a cubit?
We’re taking bets about the number of Comey character smears…
Perhaps the 5 million new Putinbot twitter followers of Trump were deployed for this purpose.
How about eleventy-many, in dog years?
I wonder if he’ll make it 'til then.
Yeah, me too, so I’m just gonna do what I usually do during these Senate hearings and put the TV on mute when he’s questioned by a Republican. They’ll try desperately to make it about Clinton, emails, and leakers but once the cat is out of the bag that the president did in fact engage in obstruction of justice, going after Clinton and her emails will look especially petty.
Dum dum dum …
God: Plural of covfefe
Who do the Serious people “like” between North Korea and Syria for the attempted launch?
What happens when he pushes The Button and gets Diet Coke?