Discussion: CNN Anchor Aliysn Camerota: 'Yes, Roger Ailes Did Sexually Harass Me'

I imagined Roger Ailes naked the other night to delay my orgasm and I haven’t been able to get an erection since.


“… I’ve known about that crap all my life…”

Me, too. I’ve said before that I witnessed some outrageous acts of sexual harassment at a Fortune 500 co that went, so far as I know, unpunished. If my wife, daughter, sister were ever a victim of what I saw, they would carry the perpetrator off on a gurney to the ER.
Side by side in this same environment were mgrs and subordinate women openly carrying on affairs to the benefit of the woman who would get the best assignments, come in at 10, leave at 2.


What surprised me a little bit was that this was apparently at their first on-the-job meeting. Not after she’d been working for him for a little while, but right out of the gate. Which tells me that he gets off on the rapey aspect of sexual harassment and on the power play of making women feel uncomfortable and powerless around him.


In so many ways, Roger NEVER let subtlety get in his way. What a crude slimy piece of s…t!!!

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It’s the same m.o. Ailes had with Gretchen Carlson. Make them ‘spin’ for him, try to get them to have sex with him. The difference is that Alyson didn’t get a settlement or sign a non-disclosure agreement, so we can hear more about what happened.

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Looks like it’s me and you again tonight, rosy.

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The purpose of the conservative movement, begun in the 80’s, was simply to get into women’s pants.

The conservative agenda seems to have a great deal in common with the “pick up artist” agenda.


Foxy News: Murdoch’s industrial-scale sexual harassment unit.

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I wonder what he calls the other hand?


Camerota said, Ailes “targeted” her and said she “wasn’t reflecting the conservative agenda.”

“Fair and Balanced”, my ass; - Try “Evil and Perverted”


Skin crawling…flabby wrinkly stinky old crackers. Eww. Ailes and Billo are like a pair of slugs.

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All that’s missing now are details about Hannity’s sexual harassment proclivities from Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.

When everyone gets done with the sexual harassment issues, I hope that someone goes back and asks these victims and their male counterparts a couple of questions that don’t deal with sexual harassment. What attracted you to Fox News in the first place; was it a shared ideology or just a chance to make more money? Once in the system, did you ever reflect on either the Fox spin cycle method of covering news or the echo chamber–the same message given by the usual suspects all day? And for those who have left to join the MSM, have your perceptions of reality changed, or are you the same so-called journalist you always were? I think there are six or eight, counting Camerota, who have left the dark side of news, yet seem to carry on as if the only thing different in their careers is the name of the network. I think they need to make an accounting of themselves.

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I hate to seem unsympathetic but all of Ailes’ underlings – male and female alike – knew exactly what was going on and were happy to enable him while the going was good and the checks cleared. To then suddenly turn around and be shocked, shocked to learn that he claimed droit du seigneur is just plain disingenuous. That doesn’t make him any less culpable but it does make them complicit.


I completely support conservative women who’ve been discriminated against, sexually harassed, etc. What irritates me no end, though, is their inability to recognize that they are enabling the very system that hurts them by working to support the “conservative agenda” of dehumanizing people of color, exploiting low wage workers, etc. They don’t seem capable of empathy unless an issue affects them directly.

Edit to add: Caitlyn Jenner’s recent outrage at Trump, who she supported until he shit directly on her, is a perfect example.


Always remember…the most vociferous supporter, avid participant, and loyal fan of these disgusting beings currently occupies the White House

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I suspect it was his whole life’s purpose. Sick.

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Makes me wonder how many “meetings” Megan Kelly had with ailes before she got her own show?

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