Discussion: CNN Analyst Implies Stormy Daniels' Porn Career May Not Help Legal Case

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Sexist analyst is sexist.


I disagree. sir.

Ms. Daniels has had a far more honorable career than the Mango Mussolini, and she hasn’t screwed the ENTIRE country like Donnie has…

And I don’t get the feeling Stormy is in it for the money, unlike Dotard.

Even if she only gets a $1 symbolic payout, it is priceless for how much it will piss him off


But you put 12 ordinary people on a jury and say to them, ‘award her money because somebody called her a liar,’ I think you’d have a hard time getting a substantial damage award.”

That somebody is Trump, but ok


What a shocking idea! Although in New York (I am assuming that’s where the case was filed) I’m not so sure that a porn star would be so ill thought-of.

However, there’s a much, much bigger problem with the case. Stormy Daniels has become a public figure, even if she wasn’t before her “relationship” (what a horrifying thought) with der Furor came to light. As a public figure, it’s very hard for her to defamed, at least in a way that will lead to a court decision. Trump is likely to get the case thrown out on that ground. He can also argue that he was expressing an opinion, not making a statement of facts. Given that tRump is untethered to facts, that may ring with a judge.


This is a legal analyst who has just given Avenatti a huge gift for voir dire.


I would say that Donald Trump can perhaps be defamed, in theory. But you put 12 ordinary people on a jury and say to them, ‘award him money because somebody called him a liar,’ I think you’d have a hard time getting a substantial damage award.


This Callan is standing on some pretty shaky assumptions. Porn is far more accepted in general than it was in the days when you couldn’t watch a ton of it for free on your phone. There are procedures to make sure jurors will judge a case impartially. Stormy Daniels is a frank, funny person and a human being with a reputation to protect as a person and professional actor and director. And the weapon they’re wielding isn’t the potential for damages, it’s deposing Trump.


This case against only Trump takes it away from the NDA/payoff case situation that involves Cohen, where Cohen was able to get a delay because he would have to take the 5th rather than testify by deposition or produce documents. Trump has no such argument. Well, he does. But, for practical and political reasons, he probably won’t assert it. Avenatti just wants to get him under oath in a deposition for 2 hours and destroy the fucker.

The sooner, the better.


“Stormy Daniels would have a hard time convincing a jury that President Donald Trump had caused substantial damages as a result of his alleged defamation of her, given her career.”

This lawsuit presents an interesting legal conundrum.

One party is a shameless, publicity-seeking, money-grubbing whore.

The other party, of course, is Stormy Daniels.


There’s a good argument to be made that a value has already been placed on harming Daniels’s reputation for veracity: $130,000 to get her to deny something which she had previously said to friends and in an interview. And when you damage someone’s reputation without their consent the price usually goes up.


Soo …

You put someone who … for the MOST part …
has spent their life not hiding much of ANYTHING ----

Against someone who …for the MOST part …
tries to hide EVERYTHING about themselves -----

Hmmmm … really a toughy … that one –


The reality is that Stormy’s book is full. If anything her career has been enhanced.


Don’t think that line of argument will play well in front of a jury.


I guess that will depend on if it’s a jury of her peers …

or made up of ’ regular ’ people … won’t it —

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Ask each of the potential jurors what their favorite porn site is.
If they act shocked and say they don’t have one, dismiss them 'cause they’re lying!
Otherwise that’s juror #1 and so on.


Worth it just for the subpoenas and discovery.


LOL! Avenatti is having the time of his life.

Avenatti: 9029350237895982357

Every other idiot: 0


Which is why it’s all the more likely a jury will find in her favor, just to see the look on his face.

Any jury of 12 ordinary Americans will rule for Stormy Daniels out of spite for Dotard T rump.


In fairness to the CNN analyst (really), Avenatti had no interest in trying to explain what her special damages actually are, because the guy is at least half right.

Stormy’s damages do appear to be symbolic at best – not because she is a porn star, but because her reputation has only been enhanced by everything she is doing to drag Trump’s activities into the light of day.

I think this lawsuit is about publicity more than damages. But that doesn’t make it a stunt. Not at all.

It’s just as serious as if she had the seven-figure claims that Trump built into his hush agreement. If she’s right, and he’s wrong, it doesn’t have to be about money. It can be about publicity – in the very best sense of the word. In fact, it’s the kind of publicity that might finally prove to Trump that not all publicity is good.