Discussion for article #242021
I know Perry and Walker are gone but I thought somebody else had gotten voted off the island.
Um, I think it’s Oct. 28, not Oct. 21.
You can fault the RNC on damn near every issue, but in one area they have the DNC beat hands down. The frequency, total number and scope of their debate set-up.
I was really hoping Christie and Huckabee would have gotten the axe by now. We need to find those 10 people in these polls keeping them in the running and ask them kindly to let them go.
Trump tweeting to complain about that sourpuss icon in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Fixed. You’re welcome.
Those drawings of the candidates in CNBC’s graphic are dreadful.
Too bad about Christie: few in NJ will admit voting for the slob.
It will be interesting to see how this list gets pared down short of multiple campaign drop-outs. Grifter Huckabee will stay until kicked off the stage.
The problem is that 2.5 percent (rounded up) is such a low bar. The shittiest, most defective product in any market could get a 2.5 percent market share with the kind of media exposure these bozos get – exposure that inclusion in a televised debate continues to give them, even with zero chance of getting the nomination.
Not sure I’m with you on that. Candidates polling at 2.6% are filling time that would be better used to force serious contenders to provide specific policy positions on important issues. The R debates are like a parade where each participant gets to wave and articulate a slogan.
I disagree. I don’t think they are better for it even on those meager metrics.
I think they coulda pushed those caricatures a bit more.
Yet still better than the candidates themselves.
Just when Jeb is about to take his jacket off and offer to fist fight Trump for talking trash about his brother there will be several other candidates that will use the opportunity to show how mature they are by making them look childish.
It fits their policy positions–what few of them there are.
Liar. Loser. Loser. Loser. Liar. Smarmy Liar. Idiot savant. Loser. Dweeb. Loser. Liar. Loser. Felon.
Cruz called: Shotgun!
And then lower-right is the Citizen’s United motto:
Put all 13 on the main stage. Keep them fighting each other, spending their money on the primaries, and making lots of comments that Democrats can use in the general election.
I see our friend, the Duchess Lindsay Graham, didn’t make the cut. Too bad for her. The under/over on how many times we hear “The World is on Fire!” just went down…slightly.