Discussion: Club For Growth: Show Us The Votes, McDaniel

Discussion for article #225094

The aftermath is not our business or expertise…

The Republican Party platform in one line.


Republican platform: We just break stuff. Oh, and Obama’s not fixing it fast enough.


“Chocola said he hasn’t talked to McDaniel since the runoff.
The aftermath is not our business or expertise,” Chocola said"

Sure, you help make the mess or loss and move on collecting money. Club for Growth is moving on from the Club of an Idiot McDaniel.


Chris Chocola

Brother of the Count?


One of the issues with a no-compromise, no retreat, no admitting mistakes, no learning, no prisoners plan is…There is no stopping.


Chris Chocolate. Sweet name.

The First Rule of the Club for Growth, is we don’t talk about the Club for Growth.

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“The Club For Growth” has to be the most ill-considered name since “MicroSoft.”

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Senator Pat Toomey and these guys made a mint illegally trading stocks and cashed out. Then they formed the Club as a tax shelter and to grow their pie. Pretty much a carbon copy of Rick Scott and the Wall Street White Knights.


Chris McDaniel is any party;s worse nightmare. Club for Growth helped to create this monster now they want him to go away. He will not win and so I hope he says around all the way up to the election in Nov 14’…


and there’s no going back 'cause they like … burned everything. Kinda edgy in a cool way.

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Chris McDaniel’s lawsuit is just as great an idea as annoying orange drunk John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama for doing his job.

The people of Mississippi have lost faith in the integrity of elections. The state has a dismal history of disenfranchising voters and rigging elections. The discovery process and the testimony will provide insight and evidence that is critically important for the health and vitality of our elections. Chris McDaniel’s should be suing President Obama, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, the Mississippi Republican Party and Republican National Committee also.

Why are the establishment Republican cockroaches in Mississippi afraid of the sunlight? Is it because they have something to hide. Instead of creating this PR disaster for Thad Antediluvian Farm Animal-Loving Dinosaur, they should have welcomed and dared Chris McDaniel to bring on the lawsuit.

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““The aftermath is not our business or expertise,” Chocola said.”

In other words we know when to fold them.


Isn’t McDaniel’s whole project here getting past its sell by date. I mean, we are talking about the election this November and somebody should be campaigning fairly soon, eh?

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in other words the club for growth no longer wants to finace this loser anymore.


All the way baby! McDaniel should call for a secession convention if and when the courts find against him.

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Are you talking about the Democrat’s stealth candidate? He has certainly slipped passed the MSM’s radar, including TPM’s.

Club for Growth?? What a funny screwed up name for one of the most disgusting groups out there. . The only growth they want is in the wallets at the expense fo everyone else. they are a extremely right wing nut group that is repressive and oppressive and demanding and against any true growth that the country may have.


Count Chocola, to his detractors. . .