Discussion: Club For Growth: GOP Senators Must Show 'True Colors' On O'Care Repeal

But yellow too, as in: a: featuring sensational or scandalous items or ordinary news sensationally distorted - yellow journalism b: mean, cowardly

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You forget sir that some republicans also like to hide behind trying to win elections after screwing the voter base. You know the majority of the people they work forā€¦yeah, I didnā€™t think you knew, just confirming.

Candidate Trumpā€™s promisses for healthcare are completely different than the Club for Growth promises about healthcare. Oh my.

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And those are their better qualities.

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This seeming contradiction is not a problem. Everybody knew he was lying the whole time.Problems,issues,stuff like that meant,and still mean,nothing to him.He was, and is still,trying to make a sale. Nothing deeper. Nothing more complicated.

[quote=ā€œirasdad, post:15, topic:59246ā€]
[/quote]An orange soul is the new black soul, if they have a soul at all.

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Remind me which one was Plan E:
ā€“Blame the immigrants?
ā€“Obama killed it with a veto threat?
ā€“The vote was rigged?
ā€“Media created false news about withdrawal of the Trumppcare bill?
ā€“Donors to the Clinton Foundation paid off Clinton to have the bill axed?
ā€“Whine about the impossibility of trying to pass a GOP bill when the GOP only holds two branches of Congress?
ā€“Quit asking us about health insurance; this is Made in America* week?

*Ivankaā€™s entire line of products excepted.


Eh, was just thinking of the traitorous Judas, but yes, youā€™re right, it is all about the gold, isnā€™t it?

You have, imho, just provided the definition of: capitalism


ā€œEā€ - as in ā€˜Ejectā€™



Yes, those GOP Senators must drink that political hemlockā€¦ or else.

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ā€œTheyā€™ve got their hands up! Skip on down! Skip on down!ā€

What color is craven pandering to the 1%?

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Iā€™m surprised this guy is saying it publicly. Word could eventually get around to those voters, and some of 'em might even understand it.

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I really believe itā€™s more about motivating the base.
A weekend in Toronto takes care of any problems with the mistress as long as sheā€™s of age.

Like we care what the ā€œClub for Rich Peopleā€™s Portfolio Growthā€ says.

They are paid whores the lot of them.

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Iā€™m good with that so long as their ROI is on a par with a 30 day CD.

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Such a civic minded group The Club for Growth.

Pat Toomey used to head it up before he became a US Poltroon and began ignoring the wishes of his constituents.

And in the beautiful state of Wisconsin, where Scott Walker has reigned supreme as head of the stateā€™s branch of Koch Industries, Mr. Walker was found to be steering the results of his fund raising through the Wisconsin Club for Growth, including a mysterious 700 grand tied to a giant mining company that wanted to start ravaging the northern part of the state.

Details here:


I disagreeā€¦ we need to kill nationalism across the globe because that IS the problem. profit at the expense of others is ā€˜nationalismā€™, and we are great at it right now.

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