How is Bundy not in jail yet? That’s unrelated, but I can’t believe what enormous pussies the federal government have been on this.
As for the knife, when I was a kid (and even today) I kept a small swiss army knife on my keychain. I actually agree that all the rules and zero-tolerance policies kids live under today are a bit ridiculous. But keeping your kid out of school over it serves to help no one except your own ego. It’s not a big deal to leave your knife at home.
I might agree if it wasn’t Cliven Bundy we’re talking about. Not even an idiot would deny their children an education over a pocket knife. Bundy was just looking for an excuse. If it hadn’t been this it would have been some other innocuous policy that the school refused to bend to his whims.
Here’s a solution. Throw Bundy’s ass in prison for stealing land and threatening law enforcement. Then his daughter can leave her knife at home and go to school.
Whereas we’d be grateful if right wing news sites MERELY called him spawn instead of the words they are happy to use to describe a young man murdered by racist cops.
Cliven real men don’t need a knife or a gun. My father took my knife when I was six years old. He said son you are big enough to kill a man with your hands now you don’t need this knife. I haven’t carried one since. So buck up you old coward and do your killing with the weapons god gave you.
We don’t need no stinking, thieving, communists from the Bundy Commune in our schools. I bet they can’t lean nothing anyway - definitely not any science, math or health stuff.
I’m sure gramps Cliven Hoof has aught them everything they don;t need to know about the Kons-Tushun already.
It’s sad, I think, that it takes a loon like this to point up the craziness of “zero tolerance” rules where pocket knives and nail files and aspirin can get a kid thrown out of school.
Yep, swiss army knife has been in my pocket (with brief airplane-related exceptions) for pretty much the past 45 years. And I think if you imagine that kids shouldn’t carry one to school because schools are places of violence, then perhaps addressing the violence rather than the carrying of a not-very-useful-for violence tool would be the thing to do. (Seriously: if you’re going to ban pocket knives because they’re dangerous, then short chalk and felt-tip markers should be the only things allow in classrooms, and they should be carefully monitored.)