Screw the bill … bring back debtor prisons. Sadly, for the blacks they’ve never disappeared, something that this racist asshole celebrates. Give him a bit of that “darker” justice and see how much taunting and bragging he does then. Truly a despicable character.
Someone please set up snipers and every time one of his cows steps onto Federal Land shoot it.
With the right lawyer, you will pay pennies on the dollar of what you owe.
Really bad precedent.
Arrogant, pissant, thieving sonofabitch; sure hope he doesn’t fall off his fucking horse anytime soon.
Exactly right, he’d have been shot by some local ‘hero’ by now; probably this inbred fuck’s neighbor.
Check your inbox, Cliven. Twenty years of bills, all overdue. Oh yeah, there were a few court cases there too. You’re costing us taxpayers a lot of dough, asshole.
That land wasn’t even appended to Nevada under the State Constitution until 1983.
Enough with this freeloading fuck. All else has failed, so it’s time “The Feds” attach a past due notice to the gun turret of a tank and head on over to collect. This asshole and his buddies have become teabagger celebrities - let’s see if they’re willing to go one step further and become martyers for their cause.
He’s still not the sharpest tool in that shed, No? Probably too much rust.
Sure is proof, you can’t fix stupid.
the fact that the state or the feds didn’t arrest this racist sexist gas bag while he was traveling is a travesty - Fuck just fucking bomb the cretin back to the stone age he so desperately wants to live in when he gets home - the gas bag is a criminal and a thief - fucking arrest the asslicker already - or bomb him into the stoneage, do something for fucks sake…
Apaches are painted black. See them all the time at101st Airborne, Air Assault.
No kidding. He’d be pushing UP the grass.
I thought I heard him say, “Why don’t they freeze my bank accounts?”
Just so. My understanding is that Bundy exhausted his legal challenges to the BLM long since. So it’s past time to freeze his assets. Cliven Bundy may not recognize the authority of the federal government, but his bank certainly does.
The BLM and/or the IRS just need to stop playing around with this cretin and seize everything he owes for non-payment.
Send in armed marshals to evict him and be done with it.
I assume his operation runs on cash.
Damn, I never realized how phallic the Rifleman intro was.
- The NATO dark green camo looks black in low light.
- Remember “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street”? Just spin a few helos low at 3 a.m. and the Barney’s will be shooting at anything that moves, including themselves.
Why on Earth they don’t seize his assets to collect on the judgment, auction off his land and then leave it to his beloved, revered county sheriff to evict his fat ass off of the new owner’s land is a total mystery to me.
I mean, there’s someone who’d be willing to pay something for it, even if only a few bucks just for the satisfaction of forcing the issue . . .
There’s clearly something I’m missing.