Trump: She too low energy to start a diplomatic tiff before she’s elected.
By my count, this is his 3rd major international incident since announcing his candidacy. The first was him celebrating the Brexit vote in Scotland where they overwhelmingly voted against “leave” and then gloating that the dropping value of the British pound would help his bottom line. The 2nd was inviting Putin/Russia to hack State Dept emails and to interfere with our elections.
But I could be wrong - there may be other int’l incidents that I’ve missed…
Clinton said. “He didn’t know how to even communicate effectively with a head of state.”
Trump is like the six-year old in my extended family who has the same problem communicating with a head of household. When the conversation turned to boys and girls and what makes them different, Killian announced “Girls have Virginias”! Just like that, another head of household controversy.
Drumpf said about foreign policy “I have more experience than virtually anybody looking at this office,” including former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
President Obama said in reply
Trump’s foreign policy experience was limited to his involvement with the Miss Universe pageant.
“In fairness, he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world — Ms. Sweden, Ms. Argentina, Ms. Azerbaijan,”
Yep, let Donnie remain the “Ugly American” in both Mexico and the US of A.
She can’t start a diplomatic .TIF, but she definitely got a post-convention .BMP.
Don’t forget he left Ukraine’s leaders just shaking their heads when he said the Crimea was still part of their nation, though Russian troops were in control of it. Then he said he would renege on collective defense treaties that were the bulwark against Soviet and now Russian invasion ever since WWII, and instead would not rule out nuking our European friends because he said America loses negotiation leverage against our enemies when it takes nukes off the table (apparently not knowing that Europe is our friend).
HITlarY wants to aVoid Looking STUpid BEcause ALL OF the Excellent dIPLOMATIng that TrumP did in MExico, Getting Mexico TO PAY for THE wall and Looking aLL PResidentiaL. He Didn’t EVEN THROw UP on the President. HOw PResideNTIAL IS THAT??? Very!!11!!one!!11!!
Absolutely huge success. He said so himself. Trump is smart. And Pena’s NY English-speak is not nearly as good as Trump’s, who thinks Pena speaks Mexican.
Plenty of snark and jokes here at TPM.
And also handwringing and “sadly, the MSM will ignore” observations. But the fact of the matter is that the MSM is responsible for too much of the overall impressions of these candidates for the great mass of Americans who consume MSM “information”.
We seem to be powerless to stop the MSM in its mission. So say hello to President Trump. The people whose lives he will destroy will not know what hit them.
No panic yet. Let’s at least wait for the first debate. A great nation needs a Nero to collapse, and Trump is no Nero. Trump’s Doc Borenstein medically evaluated Nero and found him to be “not so good.”
Have presidential candidates visited foreign countries for their own campaigns in the past? Seems like an odd thing for a candidate to do, so I expected her response to be more like, “Why in the hell would I visit a foreign country during a presidential campaign?” (in general, not directly to a Mexican official).
Is there a precedent for this?
Every time someone mentions Donald Trump all I can think is .PPT
Remember Romney’s unfortunate comments in London before the Olympics? That was another (but with slightly less potential for disaster than Trump’s) example of a poorly executed foreign trip.
No need for her to visit. The taco trucks are headed north even as we speak.
I love the tacos with the tiny little tortillas. I can eat about 8 of those.
Yeah, it’s actually pretty common (even Obama did it, he went to Germany). It’s usually a way to burnish foreign policy bonafides, particularly for candidates who are weak or “untested” in that arena…
It’s just lately Republican candidates have made colossal asses of themselves when they do it.
Trump could have really shown his diplomatic chops by attending the funeral of Uzbekistan’s Karimov. I’m sure Trump could have mustered some sincere praise, especially of Karimov’s press policy.
… Why not visit Mexico? It would give her a chance to show up Trump. Is she popular in Mexico?
This is really the only response. Make it all about Trump. If she went over there during the campaign, the entire MSM, led by Faux News, would be gifted with the opportunity to choose between generating a massive false equivalence narrative OR run around using her visit to Mexico to bludgeon Clinton as though it highlights her overly-friendly “open borders” attitude towards Mexico, particularly after the President of Mexico says complimentary things about her visit.
And frankly, they’d all more than likely do both, self-contradiction be damned.