Discussion: Clinton: Trump's Economic Policies 'Would Throw Us Into A Recession'

She should really add some historical context to the discussion like since the GOP has adopted this economic policy its proved unsustainable and done more damage than it has good.


Or just ask: “Why should we take economic advice from a man who has declared bankruptcy four times?”


“Here’s the deal. He can’t escape the math,” Clinton said. “And economists, left, right, in the middle, all say the same thing — that Trump’s policies would throw us into a recession, the last thing we need. He would undermine the growth that we have had since the Great Recession.”

I like this a lot. It’s simple, to the point, and even an idiot can understand every word of it.


I watch less than an hour a week of TV.

AND, it continues to drive the wedge between establishment republicans (like McCain’s advisor) and tRump.


Expect more of the ‘she’s playing the woman card’ meme when Clinton is calling Trump out on the issues.

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One of this top bankster advisors believes we must do just that.

It’s about bugs from outer space entering politicians’ and staffers’ ear canals and eating their brains, which makes them (a) alcohol averse and (b) politically more extreme.


I’m hard pressed to understand how anyone still believes Trump is successful at anything – except spending other people’s money and marking his territory like a howler monkey.


Trump was supposed to show up and present some organized original thinking, supported by sound documentation - instead he screwed around, goofed off … then went to the frat house file cabinet, pulled out some half-assed “F-” economics paper written by some ancient frat brother - and moseyed up to the podium and rambled his way through it - the SOB is a total tool and it is starting to look like the fire in the belly is about to be extinguished - if that happens - then for the entire rest of the campaign, Trump will look like he is making a hostage tape - or belongs in a psych ward.


Here’s HRC’s history on job ‘creation’ accomplishments in her two terms as NY Senator.


And to Donald and his low/no information lemming sheople:


What a great “pivot” today huh? LMAO The fucking press is like “The Mistress” waiting for that promise of the divorce from the guy screwing her over…and over…and over…

But…we did get ‘titties’ from Trump! There is that…

Trump waxing Reaganesque: “In my administration, America will once again become that Shining Titty on a Hill!..because as titties go, so goes the nation.”


Well, at the least, and for the first time when talking about the economy, Turnip’ did get my attention. There is that.


Not just independent economists.

“She went on to cite a Moody’s Analytics report, cowritten by former McCain economic policy advisor Mark Zandi, which forecast that Trump’s policies would result in the loss of 3.5 million jobs over the course of his four years in office.”

republican economists.


She went on to cite a Moody’s Analytics report,
cowritten by former McCain economic policy advisor Mark Zandi,
which forecast that Trump’s policies would result
in the loss of 3.5 million jobs over the course of his four years in office.

Well-- OK then.
That’s still far better than 90% of humankind being vaporized in an all-out nuclear war–
and the surface of the Earth being a shiny-silicone glaze.

If Moody’s can guarantee that outcome?
It makes Trump a much better choice than he seems!



“former McCain economic policy advisor Mark Zandi,”

He’s been an Obama and HRC supporter for at least a couple of years. But I think you already knew that.

Still juiced on Sandersibogaine?
But I already knew that.



Oooooo’ BOY! Let’s hear more about Herr Hairball’s bold futuristic vision of our economy driven by coal and steel production. And ~goosebumps!~ one day I might even live to see Mr. Babitch’s computational engine find its way into every American home to bring enlightenment and knowledge. Now we just need to return to the golden days of white America and provide slave labor and Trump will give us a new Gilded Age!
Newt will be head of the Department of Child and Slave Labor! Winning again. Meme: "Work Will Set Us Free!"

HIS walking dead white zombies = no college will vote for him no matter what he says and does , they’r mad you know mad they don’t have an education or a job mad because they will not apply themselves to improve their opportunities mad because its everyone else fault not theirs they are losers. Get out the vote Democrats when we vote we win!!!

This will, undoubtedly, result in another Twitter war between Krugman and Trump, where Krugman will lay out the economic flaws point by point in Trump’s screed today …and Trump will respond by constantly referring to Krugman’s beard and suits and “Kenyan” economics…"

It’s bound to happen unless they hide Turnip’s phone.