Discussion for article #246512
Excelllent…move to middle show reasonableness and fairness Hillary…but prepare for the Trump ambush…let’s hope Hillary has quick retorts to The Donald attacks on email servers.Monica Lewinsky etc etc… a bare knuckles fight…
“He used to be such a nice boy.”
Attacking Trump saying he is just putting on a big show is a good way to attack him.
Nice work, Hillary. He probably didn’t even feel the shiv.
"“He used to be such a nice boy.”
Oh, I thought that’s what she said of Ben Jealous after he endorsed Bernie Sanders. No?
I attended a banquet at a (big) golf tournament that was hosted by Trump at his DC course a few years ago. He gave a keynote address. And it went on and on and on.
Trust me, he was completely obnoxious and full of himself. He’s a vapid airhead. He really is.
Ooh! That ain’t gonna play well with his base!
Brava, Hillary!
Wow, way to slip the stiletto into Trump’s side with a smile on her face…the very definition of “Damning with faint praise.”
You go girl.
I can’t WAIT to see her in a Presidential Debate with Trump. She will destroy him.
I think Sec. Clinton is quite right. Whereas people like Cruz and Rubio believe the ignorant garbage they spout, Trump is playing with the public and his voters. And, he’s winning. Imagine that.
I don’t think they believe their garbage either. But they’re pissed that he is clearly playing up to the bigots with a bullhorn instead of a dogwhistle and whippin their asses doing it. Some people like their bigotry straight up, without chaser. Go figure.
The Rude Pundit & Trumps tax reports!
The Donald was such a sweetie back in the day - when he was being mentored by Roy Cohn.
Fact is The Donald and lots of other rich swine who Bill and Hillary palled around with were always - swine.
A honey-coated scalpel to the throat of Donald Trump.
I can’t wait until she says, after one of Trump’s insults (insults she’s been hearing for 25 years from every Republican on the face of the earth), “Well, bless his heart!”
Isn’t that what Mrs. Bates said about Norman?
She thinks Kissinger is a nice guy as well. Makes me wonder about her judgement.
Sweet. To the general public: “Look how nasty he is”. To his supporters: “He’s a phony”.
This is a more generalized version of the attack that the other Republicans are bringing against him—that he’s not a true Republican. That probably doesn’t work since, as Krugman says, Trump supporters don’t care about Republican ideology. They do want someone who is “real,” though, and is telling it to them straight. If they began to suspect that this is all an act that would be damaging for Trump. So it sounds like a good strategy to me.
These comments are
a) True. Trump’s always been a buffoon but he didn’t start doing THIS until the birther nonsense a few years ago.
b) An artfully crafted sneak dis.
Was this before or after Bernie declared that Planned Parenthood was part of the establishment?