Discussion: Clinton Tells Minority Journalists: 'I Want You To Hold Me Accountable'

FOX: That’s our job. No matter what you do, you will be doing it wrong.


“Accountable” would be two steps up from the usual coverage of Hillary. Usually it is simply a repetition of “she is untrustworthy” (sometimes couched in "voters find her untrustworthy). The next higher step is false equivalency (“Voters hate Trump and Clinton is almost as bad”).

Accountable on a level playing field would be a treat.


“I want you to hold me accountable, press and citizens alike.”

Oh we will, we will. And if you go back to your old center-right politics and away from your new found populist ‘enlightenment’, you won’t get a lick of help in the midterms. You can count on it Madame President.

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“I believe with all my heart that America is better than this,” Clinton concluded. "America is better than Donald Trump."

I like Hillary. However, sometimes her inability to discern the true nature of a situation, combined with irrational optimism, leads her astray.

Trump: “Look at Hillary begging the press to hold her accountable! You know, I’m a businessman. I know accountability. Trust me on this. I don’t need the press to hold me accountable! I only need one person–me. Trust me on that. Really. Hillary is weak that she can’t hold herself accountable. Just like she did–didn’t–whatever in Benghazi. Just like the 33,000 email thing. Just like I held myself accountable with Megyn Kelly! That was the best accountability. And Isis, too! Yeah. I know accountability.”


In a Friday address to the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists at their joint convention, Hillary Clinton asked reporters to hold her accountable for her campaign promises.

Sounds like Hillary is pretty confident of winning. Don’t blame her for it.


And just how much does she have to fail in the face of a Republican controlled House and possibly Senate before you withdraw your support of Democrats in the midterms?


A slightly different twist on FDR:

‘I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it’


That’s precisely what MSNBC is doing this very minute. Feinstein basically bashed her for answering a legal question with legal sounding hair splitting that sounds untrustworthy (but in fact was 100% honest and truthful). And he then segued into the false equivalency moment, ie, her email use is clearly just as bad as being a puppet for Putin.

I do agree that Hillary should do more pressers…but at the same time, press corp…a little self awareness on this issue might be in order? Of course she is reluctant when she gives a presser and you immediately call her untrustworthy for telling you the honest truth on a matter, while you just shrug off out right lies that Trump tosses around in every single presser.


As long as she pushes her new found populist message, as long as she keeps it alive, she’ll get all the support she needs in the midterms. It will make all the difference.

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Well said, Madame President!


Brilliant. This is What happened in 2010, when the purists insisted that Obama had betrayed us.


“I know accountability. I hire the very best accountants. Always audited, never go to jail. The best accountants, so they do the best accountability. Trust me on that.”


So you’re a moderator? And you just called me stupid? Who moderates you?

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U still have to vote the down-ballot races!

POTUS is NOT on mid-term ballot, but her potential allies are.

D’s routinely ignore this fact to their own detriment.

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“America is better than Donald Trump.”

The worst thing I ever flushed down the toilet is better than Donald Trump.


You could decide to not run such a risk and just vote for Trump right now.


That’s the key, isn’t it? What will be interpreted as “keeping the populist message alive?” If she compromises to get incremental advancement on the populist agenda passed I hope that will be enough to get Democrats to the polls in the midterms. Lets be honest, the Democrats are not going to take control of the Senate and the House this election. We can hope for it, but it’s probably not going to happen. With a divided government, those that were taken in by the populist message will need to take a deep breath and realize that incremental change is as good as it gets–until we take both the Senate and the House.


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