All They Have Left Is Negativity
With all due respect to our future president, I cannot recall a time in my adult life when the Republicans had anything but negativity.
Yea Baby… I’m with HER!!!
We’ve never had a President rockin’ black leather and I have to say I like the look of it. For the debate I also suggest a “Move Like a Bitch” t-shirt and accessories - a bicycle chain and a broken bottle seem about right.
My Hillary/Kaine sign is gone from my yard.
Show me where the lady is wrong; unfortunately, his supporters seem to be enjoying the fear-mongering, lies and fabrications. Let them live in their bubble, the rest of us prefer the real world. Can’t wait for this election to be over, but what the devil will the next one look like??
Report the theft to the police, write a letter to the editor of your local paper, put up a new sign and smear it with Vaseline - no need to make it easy on them!
OR, get a new sign, separate the two sides and put both signs up in your windows.
Ironically, I saw a couple of Trump signs come down over the weekend. I suspect it was out of shame rather than theft…
Don’t sell negativity short; the Republicans have been using it successfully for a long time now. Negativity over the Affordable Care Act gave them control of Congress.
Just saw this Clinton ad on teevee. Powerful!
The good guys have been smashing a rather large , 5 ft x 8 ft wooden Trump sign. But, like Trump himself, it keeps coming back…another one goes up the next day. By my count, there has been 3 re-incarnations of this sign, so I can’t imagine the Trump supporters have many left. I look forward to seeing it knocked down tomorrow. It’s becoming the highlight of my day to drive by this property and see these Trump signs smashed to pieces.
Yep. The thing that always comes to mind is, when Clinton was elected the first time, the very next day Bob Dole talked about how Clinton wouldn’t be able to get anything done. “If he thinks he can, he hasn’t met Bob Dole,” he said.
Dole. Elder statesman. Fine Republican. Always so positive. Always a fucking disaster.
Just watch this -
I keep thinking a better solution is to get a stylized “GROPE” stencil and a can of red spray paint and overpainting “Great” at an angle on the signs. Although I’m not a fan of vandalism of any kind, I thought it would look really cool, not to mention its humor value.
Hmm. Do they make glow-in-the-dark spray paints?
If you have the resources to put a web cam on it, it would be funny to have video of a Trump supporter caught in the act.
This was on the ABC affiliate earlier. Yep.
She had his back, and now, he’s pushing her forward.
Why would anyone not want to be a democrat? I am so proud to be one.
The next shoe has dropped
We need bigger shoes. This stuff isn’t going to change enough minds. Of course, it’s not going to gain him votes either.
Holding him in the high-30’s is just fine.
Yes, I love that ad. There’s a whole series of them, and all four of them are excellent –
Of the four, the one you posted here is the one that really hits me.