How many times did he say “stamina” in the brief exchange? More than 5, I think. Couldn’t you think of another word, Donald?
She looks pale. She’s wan. She’s tubercular.
She looks like she could die right now!
Trump: Stamina. Sta-mi-na. Stamina.
if I thought for a second that you actually believed a word of your own posts, I might agree with you. As it is, it’s obvious that you’re just deliberately posting dishonest nonsense to troll the board. Plus, given that you’re somehow claiming that Trump actually won the exchanges at issue, then your opinion is just idiotic. So while you certainly have the same right to an opinion as anyone else, substantively, your opinion is not as valid as anyone else’s. It’s just nonsense.
“Plus, given that you’re somehow claiming that Trump actually won the exchanges at issue, then your opinion is just idiotic.”
That’s what’s wrong with you Hillbots. Your trying to get to the answer you want by saying things like “somehow claiming”. What does that mean?
Basically your opinion is BS because your assumptions are invalid, like “somehow claiming that Trump actually won the exchanges at issue”. Where did I say that? What’s nonsense is your attempt to tell me my opinion is not as valid as anyone’s else’s … because …? Really weak.
LOL – The troll reveals himself. That didn’t take long. I knew that like Trump, you wouldn’t be able to help yourself.
you are right, I googled
“Donald Trump Cocaine”
and it is all over the internet ! 2.42 million hits !