Now that Drumpf is officially DOA, pour most of that money into the down ballot Senate and House races, Madame President!
Wait, what?
I thought the msm says everyone hates Hillary. Curious?!
Could it be…gasp they’re lying to create a horse race for ratings???
Notice that the first day of September, her campaign is letting it be known how much money they are raising.
We won’t hear Trump’s number for another 6 weeks.
Because when you are doing really, really bad…you don’t want to draw attention to your failure.
You can Google any number of articles which describe what’s he raised, and it’s nowhere near hers. He’s still working on getting rich on his donations so whatever the figures are they’ll be cooked for his benefit.
With all this money raised you would think Clinton would be ahead by 20-30 points in the polls.
Too many ignorant rubes out there to think that.
We’ll hear it on September 20,if not sooner. The FEC Reports for August fundraising are due on 9/20.
Funds that are raised go to pay for staff, field offices, polling, advertising, etc., and I doubt there’s a relationship between amount of money raised and polling favorability esp. for the low infos who haven’t tuned in yet. If Rs read this they will weep, however. Notice the number of electoral votes being predicted on the Democrats’ side.
Huh. Earlier today Andrea Mitchell was speaking about Hillary’s focus on fundraising as a sign of weakness or failing health. That does not seem to be the case. Weird.
Now she should hit the road a bit more,!with her finances shored up, and murder Trump’s campaign like his addled supporters believe she’s done to dozens of people.
perhaps some of that $$ can go to campaign staff. Field Organizers make $3k/month and are expected to work 12 hours a day/7 days a week. That comes out to about $8/day
And this is a sign of weakness and poor health.
Democrats Go On Offense In Red States After Hillary Clinton Raises Big Money For Party
That’s Utah, Arizona, and Georgia. Hillary’s infra has already been there, and DNC is joining for a long-term game.
Mrs Greenspan should retire.
I do expect, however, another stupid statement re their fundraising to come soon.
“Hillary for America”?
“Hillary Victory Fund”?
"Hillary Action Fund?
Those all sound sort of foundation-ish.
Why hasn’t she distanced herself from all these foundation-y organizations?
I’m sure the media will breathlessly reveal how they’re nothing but schemes to solicit money from donors.
And for political purposes!
Let’s look at the last two press releases about Trump’s fundraising:
June – Campaign claims to have raised $51 million. Did not provide a coherent breakdown between the campaign & the joint committee. Turns out, they only raised $26 million (50% went to the RNC joint committee)
July – Campaign claims to have raised $80 million; Again, did not provide a coherent break down between the campaign & joint committee. August FEC filings showed he only raised $36 million (55% went to the RNC joint committee)
Clinton’s campaign, on the other hand:
Raised $36 million in June (+ another $34 million for the DNC-joint committee)
Raised $52 million in July (+ another $38 million for the DNC-joint committee)
Raised $62 million in August (+ $81 million for the DNC-joint committee)
Yeah, I sent her another hundred bucks cause I don’t like her.
She’s so unpopular that 15.6 million people voted FOR her in the primaries… and she’s walloping Trump in the fundraising department.
Benghazi !
Exactly, girlfriend is a work horse! She kept her head down, raised that money, and set herself up to go the distance. I feel like she and her team understand the job they need to do better than anyone will ever give them credit. That’s why I was with her from the beginning and I’m with HER now! Get em, girl!