Discussion: Clinton On Trump Attacks: I've Dealt With Men Who Are 'Off The Reservation'

LOL so now you think Clinton’s response is “sexist”…?


I have to say its funny how many of us here in the TPM comments have used the political term “off the reservation” for years and only when Hillary Clinton says it, some here begin having the vapors over it.

Too funny for words.


Wow. That’s some pretty impressive self-aggrandizing messianic rhetoric there Martin.

Trump’s attacks on Hillary will be so disgusting/repulsive that will offend not just some Republican women but some married Republican men sympathizers as well. The jerk is well approved/supported by hordes of wife-beaters and rapists, lately.

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Except Hefner’s never claimed not to be a horndog. :wink:

From The Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins, by Robert Hendrickson:

The original version of this expression, ‘on the water wagon’ or ‘water cart,’ which isn’t heard anymore, best explains the phrase. During the late 19th century, water carts drawn by horses wet down dusty roads in the summer. At the height of the Prohibition crusade in the 1890s men who vowed to stop drinking would say that they were thirsty indeed but would rather climb aboard the water cart to get a drink than break their pledges. From this sentiment came the expression ‘I’m on the water cart,’ I’m trying to stop drinking, which is first recorded in, of all places, Alice Caldwell Rice’s Mrs. Wiggs of the Caggage Patch [1901], where the consumptive Mr. Dick says it to old Mrs. Wiggs. The more alliterative ‘wagon’ soon replaced cart in the expression and it was eventually shortened to ‘on the wagon.’ ‘Fall off the (water) wagon’ made its entry into the language almost immediately after its abstinent sister.

Because knowing is half the battle. :smiley:


But on a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?


It’s obvious what she meant and anyone arguing otherwise has ‘shown their hand’ are 'mealy mouthed and /or can’t accept the obvious.

Trump is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and three sheets to the wind. May he reap what he has sown.

Literally drop the mic… :slight_smile:

WHCD will never be the same. I’m gonna miss him terribly.


Did anybody tell Hillary what a racist phrase “off the reservation” is? There might be some native Americans that are a bit offended by the rich white lady telling them to stay cooped up on the scraps of land we shoved them into.

Did anyone suggest you read the earlier comments before beating that dead horse there, Jimbo?

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Does she not realize that “Off The Reservation” is an old phrase that has been very offensive to Native Americans for many years? What’s she going to say next, that she was “Gypped”? Disgusting. What a clueless person.

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It bears many repeats, as does correcting her that the phrase is “Couldn’t Care Less”, not “Could Care Less”

Expose her ignorance.

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Which do you prefer: Fascism or Theocracy? Thought so.

Oh, are you native? Didn’t think so.

“They” do not support the use of “Redskins” for anything. Nice try, white guy.

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Pitiful that you, as a clueless and uninformed white guy, would use such a lame and erroneous retort.
You know you’re wrong, just live with it.

Thank you for that worthless non-sequitor.

You mean Native Americans right, Americans of Indian descent are quite tired of ignorant white peoples askinf what tribe they are from, and listening to litanies of how said white peoples are part whatever tribe they happen to mention. Indians are people from Indua, just because some genocidal maniac bade a mistake in 1492, it dies not mean you need to coninue it by lumping together vastly different cultures and traditions whose only similarity is in how Ill treated they were by Europeans.

It’s going to be interesting to see how Soon-To-Be-President Clinton handles it.

I suspect that a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised.


[quote=“ombrax, post:161, topic:36996”]The jerk is well approved/supported by hordes of wife-beaters and rapists, lately.

Ironically enough they may be some of his harshest critics. They, like him are largely oblivious to the significance of their actions, and experience little or no cognitive dissonance over their public condemnation of violence towards women, which co-exists along with their violence towards their own partner.

Typified by the exchange

“I would never hurt a woman.”

“But you sent your wife to the hospital last night!”

“But she’s my wife!”

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