Discussion: Clinton Jabs McConnell Over 'Unpatriotic' Threats During 2016

True, but it might have increased turnout for Hillary. Trump barely carried the electoral college on less than 60% turnout, with many dispirited voters feeling they faced two terrible choices.


I remain extremely angry at McTuttle because an entire year before the election he flat refused to confirm any judges, even the ones that the GOTP members thought would make excellent judges. I include his refusing to even hold hearings for the SCOTUS pick. Just like every other GOTP member of congress, he places party above country. IMPO he will not allow the Senate Intelligence committee to complete its investigation because any outcome will show the GOTP in a very bad light


I really wish this issue gained more traction when it happened…and that Obama said something…If HRC would have stuck to her game plan and not started throw poo with DBD maybe the conclusion could have been different…shoulda coulda woulda…blah blah blah

It depends on what your definition of “Unpatriotic” is.

Matt Lauer makes me think of skinheads. Is it me, or is it him? He’s probably not one, but he’s certainly as useless a piece of protoplasm as there is, but he makes a lot of money to be utterly useless.

Go figure.

Exactly. We now know that Republicans will contrive any lie, dish out any slander, commit any treasonous crime, to maintain their power. NO QUARTER! CALL THEM OUT!

I, for one, appreciate Hillary’s brutal honesty in this. Too many Democrats are just tip-toeing around the blatant perversion of democracy practiced by Republicans, afraid of negative feedback or spoiling their electoral chances.


OK, all Democrats must be the same age. Democrats cannot talk about what went wrong or how to do better in the next election. When they reach a certain age, we will kick their butts out onto the ice floe, because they have nothing to contribute.

By the way, we do have plenty of younger, ambitious and whip-smart Democrats (hope they’re not too ambitious for you). They need money. Hillary is a fantastic fundraiser.


Qui male agit, odit lucem.

Speaking to yourself, my response is “shut up until you grow up.”

Unbridled gives you away.


In this day and age the rational way to deal with bullies like McConnell and Trump is also the cowardly way.

Hillary was too timid and cowardly to respond to Trump’s bullying during the campaign. That is what happened.

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There’s talk of him wanting to play for the Ravens, and wouldn’t that give some fuel to the racist fire.

When I think in terms of Clinton having lost or won, I always end with remembering the Electoral College elected for trumPP who had Russia, fake Facebook and Twitter news on his side, and in some ways James Comey. She won nearly 3 millions more votes than PP but lost. It’s too perverse to sort out.


Not just unpatriotic, but traitorous too.


I was just thinking the same thing:
#Go Away!

You’re “analysis” of the election in which Clinton bested your boy by three points is just stupid whining.
You keep portraying it as an unmitigated disaster when we all know it was a case of downright theft of the election.
After throwing every lie and insult they could think of at her they could only win by cheating.
And you can only parrot the alt-right GOP’s and Bernie Sanders talking points.

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Yeah; but at the same time - they are so obsessed they never shut up about her and neither does Trump and neither do the Bernie Bros.

For me it is to laugh at all these big tough men who can’t handle one powerful woman.

Keep driving them crazy, Hill - don’'t you EVER go away.


This felt like a homer when I read it: attacking McConnell. Make him the fucking poster boy.

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This is just another example of how President Obama was always trying to accommodate Republicans, even after 8 years of their overt racism, lies, and bad faith negotiating.

Excellent interview by The New Yorker, Josh Marshall. Thanks.

I am with you on Katy Tur. I find her show on MSNBC annoying and I have no interest in her memories (I made myself not type mammaries).