Discussion: Clinton Jabs McConnell Over 'Unpatriotic' Threats During 2016

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Will McTurtle respond, or go back in his shell?


Good for Hillary.

I am eager to listen to her live interview with Rachel tonight.


More of this please.

It’s a huge story that for some reason the media has given McConnell a pass. Next to Trump’s deal with Russia, this stil sticks in my craw.

And McConnell doesn’t do well with the spotlight on him. He does his “best” work in the shadows away from public attention.


Sigh…So many eyes and not nearly enough sharp sticks.


So Trump’s outbursts and Yuckabee-Slanders’ felonious† “cover rendition” are failing to silence Hillary?

I don’t know whether to be troubled or heartbroken.



Von Holst’s Whimsical Ifs

If Hillary Clinton accepted an offer by a major newspaper to write a biweekly column, how would the media react? Twitter?? Would ‘Go’ and ‘Away’ be the Oxford English Dictionary ‘words of the year’?


“Mitch McConnell, in what I think of as a not only unpatriotic but despicable act of partisan politics, made it clear that if the Obama administration spoke publicly about what they knew, he would accuse them of partisan politics, of trying to tip the balance toward me,”

Lesson that should be learned here? Don’t give a f__k if a republican is going to publicly accuse you of being partisan. Especially when they are BEING partisan with their threat.


Speaking for myself, my response is “go away.” I have heard more than enough from both of the Clintons. I have seen more than enough of their unbridled ambition. I want to hear from younger, 21st century Democrats. I want a new direction in the Democratic Party.

Strange and perverse that Clinton’s future is focused on as if with lasers when other losers including Kerry, McCain and Romney were only whisked away off stage as soon as decently possible. I’ll watch her interview with Maddow, and wish her well as she rides off into the sunset. She shouldn’t look back, should tend to a post-political life only.

@heart You do realize that you don’t make your mark in politics unless you are ambitious. Nobody’s achieved a position of leadership without having the ambition chip firmly implanted. Shrinking violets and modesty are not assets in this field. Frankly, my response is to want say “go away” to Katy Tur who’s also flogging a campaign memoir in which she describes her humiliations at the hands of PP.


OT, but hahahahaha, I love my city…



Only 2016? Mitch hasn’t been patriotic for years.


What you are describing is the behavior of Periplaneta americana.

Except for the crepe-y neck, and his striking resemblance to a Dr Seuss drawing, I never really felt comfortable with the whole turtle meme. I like turtles and they have a rich and respectable evolutionary history.

Cockroaches on the other hand…


She’s driving them crazy and they can’t get enough. Faux News’ “Bias Alert” section is entirely about her and the supposed failure of the media to continue attacking her about the emails and Benghazi…5 whole fucking articles…it’s a master class in absurdity…

CNN’s Cooper dons kid gloves for Hillary interview
‘View’ co-hosts slam critics of Hillary Clinton’s marriage but Trump-Melania relationship fair game
Lauer confronts Clinton on live TV Benghazi victim’s mom rips Hillary over attack fallout
NYT reporter: I know people who are ‘still in therapy’ because Clinton lost
OPINION: What happened in 2016?”


Where’s Colin Kaepernick to come in and kneel when we need him?


I don’t think the folks that voted for Donald would have changed their vote due to this knowledge. They believe what they believe about Donald regardless of any facts.


Upvoted for “Yuckabee-Slanders.”


Speaking of things that drove Faux News’s Methbilly Nation crazy…

They’re still going on and on and on about that. It’s insane. Every couple of days they’ll have a new redfaced rant-article about it, and they especially like trying to find other black NFL players (usually old ones haha) who didn’t like it, as if that undermines it even more and proves their arguments.


The irony here is that McConnell would have been much better off with a President Clinton. He could have enjoyed undermining and resisting her at every opportunity to great applause from his base. Instead, he faces diminishing support from his base and shade from his base’s hero, Trump, for failing to accomplish any of the things they expected.


Note my modifier: unbridled. Obviously it takes ambition to run for office, the amount correlated with the importance of the office. The Clintons lost twice. Big time. They left the Democratic Party in a shambles. The national party focused completely on them. State parties were under their tight control. She paid virtually no attention to our state, and like Wisconsin and Michigan, never ventured outside the main urban areas. Super delegates were campaigning for her in the late summer of of 2015. Really pissed people off. Both Obama and Sanders had paid workers and/or strong volunteers even in my rural community. She totally ignored us. State and local candidates were not supported, nor were local Democratic Parties.

Our state party is now actively trying to resurrect itself, support candidates from the local level on up, etc. I’m in a swing state she barely won, and many think if the election had been a few weeks later she would have lost it. Good riddance.

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