Clinton: I Never Meant To Make ‘Excuses’ For Private Email Use
…but trolling Bernie Bros was too much fun!
Clinton: I Never Meant To Make ‘Excuses’ For Private Email Use
…but trolling Bernie Bros was too much fun!
The thing is that I’d much rather have a beer with Hillary than I would with HO. In private she’s supposed to be great company - smart, funny, warm.
I used the wrong metaphor. The thing is, I am concerned by the MSM attempt to humanize Trump FAR FAR more than I am concerned about Trump.
Trump loses by 200 Electoral Votes in November if he does NOT receive MSM help. In other words, Trump loses by 200 EV’s if the United States actually had a real Fourth Estate. That opinion I will never waver from
Indeed this is a classic case of the media driving a story rather than reporting one.
Her quote did not reference the private server, they reference a “single email account” (and she has also said “private email”), which were never the big problem. The private server has always been the issue, and she is still avoiding using that term from what I am reading. So she is leaving herself open again. It’s absolutely amazing.
From day one it should have been “I never should have used a private server for official business, that was dumb and I apologize”.
The decline and fall of the Diane Rehm show is one of the reasons that I no longer contribute to NPR. I have been astounded - and maddened - by the plumeting quality of the political reporting and analysis on the program. More and more, the reporters seem to be uniformed, incurious, ignorant and “phoning it in”. More often than not, they aren’t even knowledgeable about the basic facts of the stories that are suppose to be their beat. I understand that they don’t get paid to be on the program. Well, we are getting what Rehm hasn’t paid for.
The media will make sure it is the first question asked at the debates. And she will respond appropriately. And the media will continue to harp on it in the debate to help Trump even before he chimes in with “Crooked! Murderer”…which he will.
It’s just never enough for the media whores, who will drag this well into her presidency, much to the glee of right-wingers who are drafting impeachment arguments as we speak.
How interesting: Obama has had to pay for George W. Bush’s question of legitimacy (Bush v Gore and Ohio in 2004), and now she will pay for his botched “intelligence” on WMD vis-à-vis an email server. An email server. This is the phony scandal that our Media Glitterati will use to make up for their shameful contribution to our Iraqi Expedition.
As my friend Hajii al-Badr likes to say, “Way to go, media fucks. Way to go.”
Now see, if I were her and they asked me this again, I’d be like, “Seriously? You’re asking me this again? Seriously? Please refer to the interview with Anderson Cooper. You’ll find your answer there.”.
And this is why I’ll never be POTUS.
If I were her close adviser, I would have suggested she say, “I was a damn fool,” but it’s pretty much the same thing.
Read a story today about Canada’s most recent election, the one in which Justin Trudeau. was elected. It took 11 weeks. We on the other have been at it since around March of last year. I attribute this to the industries which are now adjuncts to any campaign, advisers, polling companies, and the entire chattering class which have sprung up to make money during campaigns while providing very few substantive issues, just data and polling.
Last year, that country’s official election season was extended to 11 weeks from its typical five or six — still light-speed by American standards, but many Canadians saw the extension as an excruciating marathon.
“It was frustrating as a Canadian to watch time being wasted, essentially,” Victoria James, 28, a university administrator in Toronto,
I would have been mollified to some extent w/r/t the long campaign if the MSM provided some perspective. They do not. They SELL talking points and mindless blather. Last night on Lawrence’s show, one of the REPUBLICAN guests lamented over the outright CRUELTY of Trump’s anti-immigration screeds during the GOP Primaries.
Just right there should have been a game stopper. NO ONE exhibiting that kind of consistent and wanton cruelty has ever garnered so much support–from the MSM, from the GOP leadership, from GOP voters–in a Presidential election.
The entire world is looking at the United States with abject horror.
I don’t believe that’s true. I think this is a race that will be decided on who voters believe is the most competent manager to lead the country. If “tough” was the metric Trump would be leading by double digits because he exudes pretend-tough. But I don’t think the country that twice elected Barack Obama is using “tough” as a yardstick to measure our next leader.
One of the reasons I liked Muhammad Ali was that he rejected cynicism. As you do here.
You mean you’re not ready for Trumpski’s beer hall putsch?
Maybe he’ll send his new statue as a stand in. That’d be fun
Would someone kindly tell Colin Powel that he no longer has any credibility? Once you’ve disgraced yourself by lying to the UN your words only the carry weight of the shit you dumped on the General Assembly on that day.
Maybe the MSM would talk a little about the Trump campaign trying to get donations in foreign countries if they weren’t so busy the Hil’s emails. And where’s the FBI?
I think all too often we, and most certainly the media, tend to look at the angriest, loudest among us and assume they represent the whole country. They don’t.
Yes, and also that the angriest, loudest among us are the most honest and sincere, and that their grievances are the most genuine.