Discussion for article #234166
Yep, something about Obama just drives the GOP to the point where they are willing to give aid and comfort to the enemy.
Hmm, what is it about Obama? What could it be…what could it be? Probably his height?
I didn’t know you could use so many words to say “Traitor.”
Well, sure, Republicans are engaging in a reckless and possibly illegal act of sabotage, but it’s not like they did something truly serious and scandalous like sending their treasonous letter via an email address that doesn’t end in dot gov.
Priorities, people!
Well Iran has responded to the letter saying that its evidence that Iran cant trust the US. Nice one assholes…
Borowitz Report today says “Iran offers to mediate talks between Republicans and Obama”:
"…Tensions between these two historic enemies have been high in recent years, but we believe they are now at a boiling point,” Khamenei said. “As a result, Iran feels it must offer itself as a peacemaker.”
He said that his nation was the “logical choice” to jumpstart negotiations between Obama and the Republicans because “it has become clear that both sides currently talk more to Iran than to each other.”
He invited Obama and the Republicans to meet in Tehran to hash out their differences and called on world powers to force the two bitter foes to the bargaining table, adding, “It is time to stop the madness.”
Hours after Iran made its offer, President Obama said that he was willing to meet with his congressional adversaries under the auspices of Tehran, but questioned whether “any deal reached with Republicans is worth the paper it’s written on.”
For their part, the Republicans said they would only agree to talks if there were no preconditions, such as recognizing President Obama’s existence.
Well done, Madame Secretary.
Madame President-Presumptive!
“Now reasonable people can disagree about what exactly it will take to accomplish this objective and we all must judge any final agreement on its merits.”
That’s just the thing though: the GOP/Teatrolls desperately DESPERATELY don’t want him to accomplish this (or anything whatsoever for that matter). He’s already beaten them in terms of having accomplished some things, but adding “prevented Iran from getting nukes” to the list does incredible damage to the GOP/Teatrolls’ traditional perception as the party with the edge in terms of foreign policy, not to mention their deeply pitiful reliance on the military industrial complex both for campaign donations and as economic policy.
She ain’t wrong.
Too funny!
I was delighted to hear her open with that, Loved it. I was at the gym watching the press conference. That was the best distraction from the cardio dread
I thought so too, I was very impressed. Kinda softened my position on her. I never doubted her brilliance but she handled herself very well
Funny if it weren’t so disgustingly true
Clearly its his hair.
Agree, Chammy. I think there is a lot of loyalty between Obama and Hillary. The media has made a lot of noise about how she might have dissed him in the past, but I don’t see it.
And there’s no doubt she’s smart, tough and hard-working.
“…discredit to the letter’s signatories”
Treason, most likely.
Republicans have been lying about the Mideast since 2001. It’s time to accept the fact that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States.
Hillary is going to make smoothies out of their conservative balls. They’re scared to death of her.
Umm, I’d say that the letter is meant to warn the Iranians, scuttle any deals, of course obstruct Obama and to flex as if they are the real power.
Then it went SPLAT, KABLOOEY and FWAP!
President Obama gains strength and so does possible future two term President, Hillary Clinton. Iran learns exactly who the problem is in the US and whom the true peace negotiators are.
In terms of pure awesome and great unintended consequences, this totally rocks!