- She sounds very good! 2. Implied swipe also at Vatican’s shameful antics (tough not to hear it that way.) 3. Anyway, guess who’s coming to dinner!
Only somehow Wallace didn’t manage to sucker the Pope into staging a disgraceful pro-bigot publicity stunt.
Southern racists of that era considered Catholics to be the same as blacks.
I think he is only in it for the money, he could care less about his candidacy. What a sleazy opportunist he is.
Because of his blatant bigotry, Huckabee (and his new BFF Kim Davis) is a visible symbol of still-potent anti-LGBT attitudes so it’s only logical she’d attack him at an HRC event. However, Huckabee has zero chance of winning the Republican nomination. I’d rather see Hillary attack one of the frontrunners, most of whom also cater to the phobic R primary voters but more through the dog whistles that typify modern Republican political marketing. Carson is especially vulberable there because I think he’s viscerally homophobic and it’s on the record. The others (if we justifiably exclude Santorum as a bad joke) are probably playing to the base without having any deep personal anti-LGBT biases, but if elected President they would probably do as much as Huckabee to set back the cause of civil rights.
Gee, I remember when the GOP was the party of law and order. What happened?
Thank you future Madame President! Those of us reasonable people in Kentucky (and there are more than commenters here will ever realize) are mortally embarrassed by the likes of Kim Davis. But we do love us some Hils and Bubba, so please come on back down to the sticks during the campaign and sit a spell!
A black guy got elected President. One that is smarter than any of them. One that is perceived as liberal because he espouses things like NOT going to war just because you feel like it…who believes IN some of the things thing like healthcare, not killing first graders, etc. that they think are un-American…and did I mention that he is Black.
Huckabee appeals to a very small slice of anti-constitutionalists whose hero is Kim Davis. Republicans are all in favor of the constitution except when it doesn’t suit them.
Would Huckabuck support Kim Davis as strongly if she was Jewish? You know that a lot of Christian teaching is rooted in the Old Testament.
of course, cruz was not allowed on the stage. no interferring with serious huckabuckng.
besides, cruz is so small. can’t even get a voice vote in the senate.
Neither did Davis, actually. It was a cattle call (ahem) as part of a bunch of people to get their 30 second blessing before the Pope moved on to the next person, according to the Vatican, not an individual audience.
It also (h/t to Charlie Pierce) looks like a bit of skulduggery by the Papal Nuncio, a Ratzinger protoge. If the Pope decides he’s not too pleased at this bit of rat-f#%king, there might be an opening for a new Nuncio - so update your resumes…
I absolutely and heartily agree. This morning on MSNBC she never wasted a word, she never hesitated with her answers, she was as clear as a bell on her agenda and concerns regarding race, policing, minimum wage and more. She was, in short, terrific.
No wonder the press and the media try to minimize giving her any platform. She’d win everyone over–even the so called “angry middle class” (a misnomer, I think) that everyone claims Trump’s supporters are. I was bowled over.
What the hell are you doing throwing around the Jewish card? These holy rollers are nuts over Jewish people and Israel. Upchuckabee and that lady should both fuck themselves – whether they are Hindu or Zoroastrian, they are both revolting. And the Old Testament?
It teaches us in Deuteronomy, 25:11 the great wisdom that, When two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she puts out her hand and catches hold of the man by his privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy. Who the fuck cares about Old flipping Testament?
I’m glad she is doing this, going on the offensive. She needs to change the narrative from this tremendously boring email thing. Going on the offensive, and going after the hate speech and fear mongering coming from GOP candidates, will put them on the defensive for a change. She can start to get her message out!