Think it was a powerful, effective way to make an appearance. Reminds the audience how truly historic this nomination is.
I just now saw this floating. THAT’s our fellow progressive!
I hope everyone enjoyed this evening as much as we did.
Contrast the dignity and power of this closing segment with Donald Trump’s appearance as a shadow in a fog machine.
“Let me just say—I may become the first woman president but one of you is next.”
What a truly awesome sentiment!!! It’s not just about her – it’s about all of us!!
Not to go too tangential, but Josh is nailing the Trump-Putin issue…shake that shit loose, man…what does Trump owe the Russians and which ones? Latch onto that and wring its neck until we have an answer.
Yep …
I seriously wonder if he’s gonna last the distance ----
I can’t be more struck by the contrast between the parties as shown in these conventions. The Democrats have been self-consciously and yet sincerely inclusive, forward-looking, caring about all citizens, willing to grapple with real problems and explore real potential. And the Republicans? God. Hateful, scared, small, nominating a person who’s literally mentally ill, a sad, pathetic shell of a human being. Cowering in ignorance before a world they’re willfully unable to understand, at movement in history they misunderstand and fear, rejecting the promise and hope they’re too fearful and small-minded to see. It’s up to us to drag them, kicking and screaming, into a future they’re too blind to see the potential of, for fear that if we don’t they’ll destroy the country they claim to want to preserve. Sad, as their putative leader so often says. Just sad. They wanted to draw a contrast, and they did. One party loves its country’s reality and ideals, and another fears that reality and wants to retreat into a hateful fantasy. And yet it’s the second who so often call themselves “patriots.” One of life’s little ironies, I guess.
Holy shit,
And let’s not forget that part of the issue is the APPEARANCE of uch influence. One of the things drummed into our heads in law school was that thing like candor to the tribunal and respect in open court and other professional conduct standards are not just important to the ACTUAL integrity of the system but also the appearance of its integrity, which in turn translates into its actual integrity. Who can trust what is cast into doubt even if those doubts are not materialized? Trump’s Putin question raises the same question and it blows my fucking mind that it’s not a central, fundamental question in this election. The 4th Estate is dead. Clinton needs to make her own noise on this subject…as do her PACs…as soon and as mercilessly as possible.
Yeah. Holy shit indeed. But honestly, are you surprised deep down? Didn’t you pretty much know he was a bunko artist, a scammer, a cheap chiseler, writ very large? A sane party wouldn’t have let him happen, but the party isn’t sane.
One of the real, serious concerns we have to address as a society is the impartiality of the courts, the ability of the media to expose corruption, and the commitment of all our institutions generally to serve the public with integrity. There’ve been too many body blows against that in recent years. We survived Nixon because the system more or less worked. The institutions are shakier now. Isaac Chotiner at Slate had a good piece recently saying we shouldn’t be as fearful about Trump as we should be about a subsequent demagogue who’d be slicker, less clownish, more able.
Hear… Hear –
And I am willing to do so,if I am able to help, in the hope that even though they are border line reprehensible, they may someday adapt enough to live within the realm of truth and understand this gift, that has been so freely given to me —
So true … But one can still fight the good fight … My job may be only to plant, though I will have moved on before the harvest — Others may needs be take up that service … Let us hope the planting was worthwhile … If it feeds but one…then it was not wasted ! —
I know it was corny for some, but when that video showed the glass breaking it actually brought a tear to my eye and I could see quite a few women in the audience that felt the impact of that historic moment too, especially after the montage of male Presidents. I think, no, I know…a lot of men don’t quite grasp how deep that feeling runs among some women to see and feel that actually happen in our lifetime. Whether you like Hillary a little, a lot, or not at all…it was, and is, a big fucking deal.
That’s the stuff. Don’t be overly fatalistic, we elected Barack twice, we’re mostly a sensible society, it’s probably gonna work out! We got a good team, man! They got pyramid schemers and Chachi, I mean for real, it’s a joke. We just have to go in there and make the sale. You kick in a couple of bucks, volunteer with your local Dems, it’ll all work out. That’s what I’m doing. Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition, be of good cheer, we’ll get this done.
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Hear that. I’m a believer in communication. I may not know directly what it’s like to be a woman and feel that tension. But I can try to imagine how it might feel, because there are things I’ve felt that might parallel it, be analogous. It’s a big fucking deal indeed. It’s within living memory still that women couldn’t even vote in this country. We didn’t nominate Hillary because she’s a woman. But it says something good about the country that a woman is our nominee.
My bro is a copyright TM lawyer over by San.Fran. … He has been blowing his cork over this very aspect – I mean … COME ON ! —
If you were watching C-Span you also saw this up on the big screen:
I don’t believe the cable news channels had this. They were too busy talking empty bullshit to fill the time not covering the actual convention.
It was so cool … Thanks for getting it up here ----