Discussion: Clinton Campaign: Computer Service Used By Campaign Was Hacked

Republicans are bigly relieved knowing Putin, their beloved leader will save their cowardly little souls from democracy.

Money is coloring everything…

Makes you wonder how many phony “front” firms the Russian Government / mobsters have set up to take advantage of Citizens’ United?

Holy crap, Donnie Drumpf is turning me into a conspiracy theorist!

Shoot me now.

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What makes it “Russians” when, in fact, it could be just a “lone wolf” who hit the jackpot. Is there evidence the “hacker” actually had support from the Russian government?

The information “hacked” was then given/sold to Assange’s Wiki-leaks, who admits he released the data on “his” timetable.

So, unless someone does the whistleblower thing with credible data, this is all just horse manure.

I think most of the US intelligence agencies have clearly established a Russian link. Google it.


With all the money Russians have laundered through Trump, they do own him as well as 'Drumpf owning them. If would make sense that the Russian oligarchs would want to cover their bets.

What they say is that they think a “Russian” entity did it. Read the google carefully.

[quote=“hquain, post:7, topic:41274, full:true”]
Realistically, this only makes the Dems look like idiots. (Maybe they are?? This is 2016, there are droves of competent IT people out there — hire one, for chrissake.) Remember when various types were lecturing us about how competence/adults-in-the-room was going to be the thrilling theme of the campaign? Like, last week. [/quote]

This is 2016, when there are droves of extremely competent IT people working to penetrate these systems. Think of any piece of malware you’ve ever heard of. Guess where it probably originated. During the Olympics, one of the foreign correspondents - I want to say it was Richard Engel - did a series on just how pervasive the cybercrime is in Russia. He was told by security experts then that if his phone, tablet, or laptop were powered up and able to connect to wireless networks, they were all likely compromised before he got to his hotel room from the airport. He was understandably surprised by this, and so had them checked, and sure enough, all three were already infected and had had back doors installed.

Cybercrime is a serious revenue stream in Russia. Any of your competent IT people will tell you that if the Russians want in badly enough, they’ll get in - it’s just a question of how much time it’ll take them.

Whoever did this doesn’t give a damn about our laws, and is likely employed directly by the Russian government. You want consequences, make sure Trump loses - if he wins, the ‘consequences’ for these hacks will be a victory party in the Moscow offices.


ASPEN, Colorado — Senior U.S. national security officials tell NBC News they are confident that Russian intelligence agencies hacked the Democratic National Committee.

Think vs. confident? Semantics, I guess.

I’m sure we may never know for sure.


The only thing missing in this discussion is a quick reference name… like Putingate. Since this is a modernversion of Watergate it seems appropriate.

I wish they would get confident about finding out who is doing it

‘Confident’ indicates that while they may not have the ability to demonstrate proof to a jury, they’ve evidence enough that they’re willing to go on record. Basically, this means ‘we know they did it. Don’t ask how we know, because you don’t get to know that. Just know that we know.’


Seems like Russia’s putting all their chips in for Trump, a boom or bust strategy. Because if and when Hillary wins - she’s going to be taking names and kicking a$$.

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how about the ‘Great Patriotic Hack’?


Now, there’s more hacking.

WikiLeaks has lost any noble justification of its mission. The organization is now complicit in simple organized crime for profit.

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It was Engel.

Julian Assange has long counted Hillary Clinton a personal enemy, for reasons he won’t usually go into. And Wikileaks’ primary purpose has always been to attack the United States and its interests. I won’t say they haven’t provided information the American people were better off having, but the organization’s intentions (as opposed to the intentions of the people they convinced to leak to them) were never noble.


Julian Assange is a right-wing jackass.

He has never been a whistleblower.
He has never been a patriot.

He has always been an enemy of this country.

  1. You’re not serious. ANY system could be hacked, You think DOD, State Dpeartment and others that had their systems hacked didn’t have competent IT people?

You lock down a system as tightly as you can and you know what? A darned 12-year old phenom comes by, with totally off the wall thinking, and he’s in your system. May take him a few weeks or even months, but he/she breaks in.

I knew a guy a while back on IRC from Scandinavia - sometimes you’d ask him what he’d been up to. His response would be something like “Oh nothing much… broke into a couple T3s, and a slowass T1… looked around, left myself a backdoor…” and that was in the days when a lot of the guys operated on dialup, but linked up to a shell server.

20 years later, the hackers have got so much better (and in many cases, younger).


The FBI only investigates in response to a complaint, in general. So I’m figuring that the RNC and its subsidiaries have quite possibly have been thoroughly penetrated and simply aren’t aware of it, or have declined to bring a complaint because thus far any hacks haven’t been made public. (Not to mention that the last thing they want is the FBI going through their logs, even on an unrelated matter.)

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