Discussion: Clinton Camp On Trump Shake-Up: We Told You, GOP, That Pivot Ain’t Comin’

I’m glad he hired these clowns since they will further drive away the middle, independents and the undecided with baseless, misogynistic, cruel and untruthful claims. Odd too in that they will only appeal to those jamokes who already were going to vote for Trump. In no way, shape or form will their ceaseless attacks on Hillary Clinton actually gain Trump more votes, proving once again he doesn’t have the slightest idea on how to garner votes, let alone run a sane campaign.


No surprise Drumpf prefers to divot rather than pivot. He’s following the Roy Cohn method to the letter.

Moreover, this ain’t the last of the “shake-ups.”

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Say what you will, but Clinton learned well from her badly managed campaign in 2008. Mook and team are on point and on message. And despite the media heathers desperate need and goto instincts to fabricate thier standard memes, particularly about Clinton, there’s no drama.


How much longer can the John McCains of the world hang on I wonder.


This is the only pivot in Donnie’s future.


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